My boyfriend and I have been together almost 5 years, he pays the bills, has to buy the groceries and pays for all the little extras and I can tell he is getting very frustrated. He says he wants a job and is looking, but when I come home after work theres been no progress and I know hes been watching cable all day. So, dear partners, be good to yourself and feed your mind, body, and soul. One wife, Shannon, summed up the points noted above in one sentence: "I don't think [my husband] realises the impact [his unemployment] has on me. Should I leave or stay with him ? So what about those like me? This is about you. Why is this my problem! It must be so hard for anybody to be going through thisits one thing going through an economical difficulty but what is tougher is that you cannot even shout at your partneryou cannot ask them to go take a hike!It must be so tough. Do not give up on him, on hope. Its been 5 years since he last worked. She wont even do something as simple as see a bank account closed, much less help with the household expenses. Much respect for them and for you women who are sticking by them and hanging in there. I worked even although I was ill. Im afraid in a way to talk on no good with computers and such but God brought me here I guess. In some cases the opportunity is legit, but comes along at an inopportune time such as when someone has a relative who is dying, has died or is seconds/minutes away from death. Hes 45 years old. Jerk.. This is the worse realtionship Ive ever been in! Unfortunately, my husband is one of those people. I try to tell him about how I feel and he keeps saying it will get better when hes done school. New Alternative to Counseling. You get to have a life. I have been married for 7 years and basically my husband has stayed home and played video games since his last temorary internship ended in December. Cautionary tale. At the end of the day, if any of us want to be adults, then we need to stop bitching about life and do what needs to be done. Move out and evict that deadbeat if thats what it takes. I am almost to the end of my rope. Uplift each other continuously. Setting the Record Straight on East Palestine, A Quick Bible Study, Vol. Like others have said you try and be supportive as much as you can, but sometimes I just want to scream and yell and go and find him a job myself. (A word to the wise: Have the discussion when youre well-rested and have some alone time, not after a long day of putting out fires at work and home. I dont like how Im treatinghim, how were growing apart or who Im turning into. It doesnt take 10 hours a day to send out a few resumes which strategy by the way, hasnt worked has it? You have to remember that, as a woman, a wife and possibly a mother, you already have work to do. after 3 weeks of peace she unloaded my smooch daughter she took from me in the eighth grade-straight as at time. I feel lucky to make enough money to do so and believe I have been supportive of my husband emotionally as well as financially. That never panned out and he hasnt attempted to return to the workforce. We will always survive. Im haunted already. Things obviously happen for a reason. These are prompts, not certainties but please use them as entry points into new ways of thinking about your household. That becomes much harder with time. You have to face up to the fact this guy set you up to be the heavy lifter while he does as he pleases. Dilemma: Retired husband won't do chores. He feels bad hes not helping. To save yourself, you must be claimed down. Women are EXPECTED to work outside of the home AND inside of the home, and MEN are the winners of the womens lib movement? Everyone keeps telling me to leave him but I do feel sorry for him. He has supported me during some very rough times, such as a serious injury and multiple surgeries, and some difficult family deaths. This point in history does not appear to be good for men? He says he feels bad for how things are. Too few stories of the woman in the relationship not holding her own or stepping up. Is he a good man or a lazy shit who pretends hes a good man just so you leave him alone, thats called playing you. He had a great job for 12 years and then the company moved. In the real world, you probably need to speak up about the inequity here. It has me so stressed out that whenever I would say anything about it he would flip it around and play the victim card. He also refused to claim benefits for fear this will affect his credit rating. We are just getting stuck in a terrible cycle. A 15 year age gap. The couple can settle on the positive choice, A spouse whose optional work is now a couples only source of income may all of a sudden shoulder the weight of paying bills. It also threatens our relationship as my outbursts make both of us feel worse. Going on 6 years here. The majority of women have turned into heartless, money grubbing, self entitled! I dont know what to do, but I do know that I dont have feelings for him anymore. Even you married him, your commitment should be act on reasonable base. My elderly grandparent needed someone to stay with them and thats what we are doing. My husband works periodically, hell go for a few months or 8 at the most and then hell get laid off. Some days I just want to pack him up and move him out. Each day I regret my pigheaded choice as despite the way I was ousted, I know that he is a good person but one who values himself very highly and will not let others take advantage of him. I pay everything and he tells me I cant handle money right! I feel like I am taking care of a 16 year old. He had 2 jobs last week, none this week, 1 next week. Please get out while you still can. Most important, weve learned how to have a civilized conversation when one person (usually me) feels like theyre doing too much, instead of snapping or grumbling (mostly). One night I went out with some girlfriends and came home late, he had been drinking and beat me up when I got home. She has a million excuses why she cant or wont find work. Coping with a Spouse with a Mood Disorder. Weve cut our expenses to the bone (no cable, no eating out, no-contract phones) and we still come up short. This won't be a pleasant conversation, but you'll need to sit your partner down and have a serious talk about their refusal to work. Yes that is very true now days it takes two paychecks. even when those male partners do not work at all, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. He has failed us as his family. After chapter 7, we still have our home (somehow), but its becoming impossible. All I can sayis this sucks. You can use our website to search for a therapist or counselor in your area: Yes of course we should leave him. Go ahead, sit on the sidelines snd advise us to kick him to the curb. My partner has worked a total of 8 months in 4 years of being together, whenever I bring work up I get same reply anger and mood and Im throwing the fact I can get work due to my qualifications in his face. This thread has been alive for 7 yearsand the excuses just keep coming in for why some people choose to live off of the work of others around them. But one mum has found herself struggling to cope as her partner is "so lazy" he refuses to lift a finger to help her around the house. None of us can know what it is like to be the person in that situation, because each person and each situation is unique. If anyone has any advice Id appreciate it, because its coming to a point where just the sight of him makes me angry, and especially the way my mother lets him run over her and all that. I am at the end of my rope. The. Have you considered getting her some training for jobs like certified nursing assistant? He wanted to start up a business but i wasnt willing to put lots of money into a new venture. So I struggled on. But helping your partner bear the emotional labor load will not only enhance their satisfaction in the relationship, but yours as well.. Im 50. I have been with this man for 11 years and initially felt that the right thing to do was be patiently supportive but I cant see a light at the end of the tunnel. Im 25 and my boyfriend of 6 years and I have a 16 month old son. God is able! What to do when husband won't help with the chores Can we carry each other past the winds of pain and challenges? It felt so incredibly selfish, insensitive, and thoughtless that my entire morning has been spent crying and looking up articles like this one. Im too stressed. But you are basically raising two children AND running a household on your own. Too many of them require money, which clearly we dont have. My life was not supposed to turn out like thisI let this happen because I thought I could fix a man. At this moment, unemployment is taking a toll on these four realms; however, the trick to lessening unemployments severe control is self-care. Doing the Mostis a special series about ambition how we define it, harness it, and conquer it. My husband has been unemployed for over five, YES, FIVE years, yes, YEARS. And worst of all, hes getting court summons for his credit card debt and I dont have the money to help him out of the debt so thats an even bigger stressor. Worst of all, as much as I try to hide how I feel, she cant help but know how dissapointed I am in her! You deserve love and respect which your currently boy friend seems not able to offer. But some days I panic at the thought of facing up to work feeling like a mess. He has been depressed because he was away from his kids and feels less of a man. We are both 30. Hes perfectly capable of working, and regardless of his reasons (depression, laziness, etc) I cannot continue to carry the burden alone while he sleeps in all day, stays all night and barely lifts a finger to help with any chores. Help your significant other comprehend that, 5. Its not much, but she wont take more and she snaps if I offer. Warm regards and best wishes, Its all just stuff. I do not want to separate or divorce, but I am trying to figure out how to discuss this without upsetting him and his ego. I am a woman who has had long term depression and anxiety problems. At least try ,prove to me I do matter in her world and understand I am breakable, This person tells me what a lousy partner I am whenever I suggest she spend some time looking for work or get new training. I have been with my significant other for 16 yrs. The last person he spoke to was our 19 year old daughter. What else can you say to this kind of people ?? This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google I work a full time high sallary job and each week he starts a new job, I dread his any-minute im-fired phone call where I have to leave my work and go pick him up and take him home all so he can sit on his ass once again, watching TV, and snorring while I work my ass off 40 hours a week. Dont ever let a man suck the life out of you. Uh oh. Fast forward to present day, still no job, works 15 hours a week bartending at his friends restaurant and has 16k left in his retirement. Half of the problem is that I honestly dont think he is searching that well notice I said WELL, not HARD he is trying hard, but has not searched for a job in nearly 15 years and is definitely not aware of current best practices. There are certain jobs he wont do, wont supply for minimum wage jobs etc. My husband has been unemployed for two years. If anyone feels the same and wants to talk Id be happy to. We found out I was pregnant 4 months ago I was a cocktail waitress so I recently had to quit I feel bad bc he has to pay all of my bills. The last thing you or your partner needs is your resentment, so choose what you are comfortable with and do it. Most often, we see a lot of support for the unemployed person who is building his or her resume, interviewing, networking, staying busy, and being positive. Ive just come across it and want to say that as a partner of an unemployed man who Ive been supporting for nearly a yearthis time.i agree that its not all about the poor unemployed person who must feel stressed n guilty etc.try working 50hrs a week and paying all the bills while ur partner stays home and doeswell,who knows whatgets up at midday..then talk about stress. I have always handed over every penny I have worked for and he still only pays the bills when he really has too. My kids also dont want his dinner gradually and just want a bowl of cereal. Its like half a life. The recession has been so devastating for so many people. i work in online marketing from home which barely JUST pays the bills. Im at my end point now. Tried several times! Ive recently started seeing another man which I never thought i would as a married woman. Dirty secret: why is there still a housework gender gap? Bad eyesight and poor coordination runs in the family I suppose. Once released, i already knew there was something going on between him n the girl. Stay at home, gets angry, does a few things at home eg laundry. Likewise if I vent my frustration to my mother. I love him so much, I truly feel he is the one but I am just trying my best to power through and be good to him and have as much faith in Gods plan as I can. The Best Street Style From Paris Fashion Week. I challenge any of you who offer the advice that we simply offer unconditional love and support, or who tell us to just hang on and things will get better, to live one effing DAY of our lives. I know its for better or for worse, but this isnt fair! You need to bolster now like never before and in spite of what you may figure, companions will be respected by your craving to trust in them. He had a job and I did as well. We only have one car, and theres no public transportation where I live, and my husband needs the car to try to get work and to transport his son, so I can only attempt at working from home, which I have been trying with no luck. And YOUR life is very precious!!!! Her husband simply looked at paid employments as a demeaning thing to do. When you do it all mediate fights between the kids, run household chores, schedule doctors appointments, get everyone to bed you dont have the mental or emotional wherewithal to actually address it. Get them to get out and find a job. Ive lowered myself now to telling him daily how he is using me and thats the way I see it! David, I think for most women with long-term unemployed spouses its not about being money-grubbing at all. Then, whatever your partner does, give them kudos and keep letting go.. I feel like i am drowning. My husband was let go from his job of 22 years and hasnt worked in a year and a half since then. I have worked full time supporting us, even with our childrens births. plays video games, watches movies, youtubes, and plays with his cat. 2. He was not a nice person, although he could be charming. I think you already know your answer. Should I quit and we can live on the streets? Then if after all this, he STILL WONT GET A JOBYOU MUST LEAVE THIS MAN CHILD. Added to this he lost his father this year which was understandably difficult. He played away his time on a severance package instead of looking for work or retraining, for a year. I know its harder than it sounds but you CAN do it. Questions or concerns about the preceding article can be directed to the author or posted as a comment below. This is not where I expected to be at 41. They dont understand how flooded the market is, how few jobs are open and how picky everyone is being. Medical studies pay out a couple thousand dollars just to go and stay in facility and let them collect your blood or other vitals. Copyright Media. I am just the opposite and younger than him but really hardworking. This seems so unfair at times yet, all I can do is hold on to faith. Its likely that you have different priorities about what is most important. Yes, its due to me in not willing to settle for less. Then he expects sex every day and I dont have the energy for it. boeing 767 patriot express. Anyhow finally I started knowing some friends here and got a chance to set up a small business . I search for 2 years, nothing. Fake interviews, youre overweight, they didnt like youblah blah blah are you kidding me?? Hes trying and applying to anything that could work. Its so hard because I love him so much :( every day he looks at my bank account and pressures me about money. He recently left a sales job he was struggling with. Most of the time neither of us wants to do tedious things, and those conversations arent exactly fun, but usually we can come to some sort of agreement. These conversations sadden me so I just dont talk about it with them. She has worked about 15days on the last two years doing odd jobs but no permanent job. Life isnt fair? I never wanted to be where I am right now and spent my younger years working and studying so I wouldnt have to be! But, now he cant get a job because he was a manager and he is alternately over-qualifed or under-qualified. I felt a bit awful as he likely has a genuine medical condition and who but me to help in but honestly he has been so difficult and any govt assistance that I try to get due to 1. his disability and 2. I know my husband for 5 years and im married to him for 2 years.. fortunately we have no child and im really grateful 2 god for this since im married my husband has quit his job where he was earning quite good and good expense for himself.. im a manager in an insurance company and now it has become really difficult for me 2 live with this man though it was a love marriage.. my husband just sit at home all day and watch tv he does nothing..when im back home in the evening, i have 2 cook, wash dishes, wash cloth and ironing.. though i have a good job but now it has become realllllllllyyyyyyy dificult to live with him.. everyday he ask money for his needs.. and if i dont give him, he just steal it from my purse when im sleeping.. Your body gets used to this. I was able to talk to him about going to a doctor to sort out his mental issues. I dont talk to anyone really about this, it is really getting to me, I worry work is suffering and myself and my brain just cant take it and I am distracted all the time. As you aptly point out, you are now middle aged, have no children and no support from your husband. He has read all my emails and drives me crazy about my past. Now I know that you MUST ask details BEFORE you marry anyone). I make 77K and we use a food pantry. Hes been out maybe 3 days putting out resumes and had one interview. The truth of the matter is that unemployment is not what defines you or your partner completely. I understand it is easy to say than do, but please please have confidence to yourself and be resilience. I was hoping for 10 or even 20x that. Partners of Unemployed People: Take Care of Yourself. This was most obvious in Emily's situation. My problem is he wont decide and he wont discuss. Besides the financial strain joblessness puts on a family unit, a life partner who keeps on working faces their own issues in managing a distressed, depressed family breadwinner. There is a difference between a spouse and a lazy ass. Well I am not going to stand by and meditate why? I dont need expensive gifts, I need a husband that can offload my burden. I think shes dissatisfied with the situation and shes pissed off and angry and snapping all the time, and were having a hard time with money. Mickarther, thanks for your comment it can only get better and somethings got to give, right? I am a hardworking, compassionate, kind person. From what Ive read, I guess I should just leave. DEAR ANONYMOUS 2: You switch assignments to give him things he can't function without. The problem is he is 51 and has been unable to find another job. Thank you for that. One more thing. Depression can completely kill a persons drive or ambition to do anything including looking for-obtaining work, finding a hobby or performing chores. The more money his wife makes, the more time a husband spends cooking: about 1 extra minute for every $150 dollars his wife earns in a week. He has turned into a man-child, basically, clinging to me because he has no friends and family in town, glad when I have a day off and wants to spend all his time with me, when I need time to myself! My husband gets nearly everything he wants. Like his own father, my husband also won't do dishes. When my family is not a topic, then it is president elect Trump and all the horrible things he has done or is going to do. I never thought hed be like this but its been this way almost half of our marriage. Many companies will not even interview them for low level, part time positions or if they are interviewed dont expect any offers to be made as many get interviews just to meet quotas or for the amusement of the interviewer. Knowing that my husband naps in the afternoon and does nothing but laze around the house really turns me off him. Why you would like to have baby with a man that you are doubt whether they will get back to work, and doubt with their strange personality? Its way more than I thought Id be getting into when we got married. But the problem is, humans are not rational and they dont behave according to percentages. I gave him money to get his drivers license and he used it to gamble (in gas station slot machines). Maybe youre not getting a job because your reading comprehension is low. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. But not dishes. I could go on, but Im sure you all can understand, thanks for letting me rant!! Cleaning just enough to keep me from being angry but not quite enough to keep me from being stressed. I know that there has to be a way to get things back on track. The garage has not been cleaned out to make room for him to have his area. I dont know what to do. We dont have a ton of college educated people in our area, but apparently, now that doesnt help either. Who the heck is supporting me? ", While it's not clear if Tamara's husband agreed, he gave credit where it was due. I need to separate myself from my sisters situation. Every day that this goes on longer I have a harder time holding my tongue. And I cant have any time off unless he gets back to work. My heart is breaking because I find myself thinking what if he never ever gets hired or gets a client for web work? He seems hopeful but as hes on edge as hes waiting to for news about the training. Things will NOT get better. But they just silly do it and use same CV for every job.