B. (4) Ensure that the immunization is given in the form of Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria, acellular pertussis) vaccine, in accordance with the guidelines prescribed in Immunization of Health-Care Personnel: Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) and the Health Care Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee (HICPAC). (d) The plumbing fixture for the utility or service sink within a janitors closet must be provided with a back-flow prevention device. (4) If a facility can demonstrate that because of the experience and training of its personnel and the physical layout and equipment, less supervisory personnel is required, the Department may modify the above requirements for supervision. Afacility which holds full licensure as of the adoption date of these regulations shall be considered as having an appropriately located food service area.]. D. Protocol. ]; and. The bed shall be at least 36 inches wideandbe substantially constructed. Nursing and dietetic services shall establish an effective policy toensurethat: (1) Nursingservicepersonnel are aware of the nutritional needs and food and fluid intake ofresidents; (2) Nursing service personnel providespecialmealsand nourishment when required; (3) Residents food choices and preferences are honored as much as practical; (4)Nursingservicepersonnel promptlyaid residentswhen necessary ineating; (5)The dietetic service is informed of physicians diet orders and ofresidentsnutrition-related issues; and. A State-approved training course for paid feeding assistants shall consist of at least 8 hours of training that includes: (9) Successful completion of a two-part test that includes a: (b) Demonstration of proper feeding skills performed on a resident[under observation]while being observed. (2) The infection preventionist shall attend or have attended a basic infection prevention and control training course that is approved by the: (b) Office of Infectious Disease Epidemiology and Outbreak Response for the Department. D. A federally certified nursing home shall: (1) Encode assessment data as specified in the CMS Long-term Care Facility Resident Assessment Instrument 3.0 Users Manual; and. B. Please enable JavaScript in your browser. F. Employee Health Oversight. (3) The[facility]nursing homeshall obtain information concerning the[communicable]infectiousdisease status of any resident being transferred or[discharged]admittedto the[facility]nursing homefromelsewhere. R. 9 (January 4, 2019), and is available online at www.dsd.state.md.us. (2) Document the verification in the residents medical record. (c) A nursing care units medicine shall be stored in accordance with the following procedures: (i) Shall be stored in a cabinet with locks; (ii) Schedule II drugs shall be kept in a separately locked, securely fixed box or drawer in the medicine storage cabinet under two locks, keyed differently; (iii) The medicine storage and preparation area shall be illuminated with at least 100 foot-candles at the work counter; (iv) The preparation area shall include a small sink set into the counter or with drain boards and a biological refrigerator; and. In existing structures, the Departmentshallentertain requests for waivers on itemsthat: (1) Willnot endanger the health and safety ofresidents, visitors, employees, and other individualsusing the nursing home; and. In developing these regulations, the Board learned that different hospitals use vastly different terminology to describe similar actions. (c) A room may not be used as aresidentbedroomif it can only be reached bypassing through a kitchen. The responsibilities of the director of nursing shall include: (1) Assisting in the development and updating of statements of nursing philosophy and objectives to define the type of nursing care the nursing home shall provide; (2) Preparation of written job descriptions for nursing service personnel; (3) Planning to meet the total nursing needs of residents to be met and recommending the assignment of a sufficient number of supervisory and support personnel for each tour of duty; (4) Development and maintenance of nursing service policies and procedures to implement the program of care; (5) Participation in the coordination of resident services through appropriate staff committee meetings on issues relating to: (6) Cooperation with administration in planning the orientation program and the staff development program to upgrade the competency of personnel; (7) Assurance that nursing personnel understand the philosophy and meet the objectives; (8) Participation in planning and budgeting for nursing services; (9) Establishment of a procedure to ensure that nursing service personnel, including private duty nurses, have valid and current Maryland licenses; (10) Execution of resident care policies unless delegated to the principal physician or medical director; (11) Participation in the selection of prospective admissions to ensure thatthenursing homes staff is capable of meeting the needs of all residents admitted; (12) Coordination of the interdisciplinary resident care management efforts; and. Director of Discipline & Compliance. The State of Maryland pledges (2) The storeroom shall be cool and well-ventilated[;]. Human Service Worker. friendly and courteous, timely and (2)The current weeks basic menu shall be posted in one or more easily accessible places in the[dietetic service]food servicesdepartment and in the[patient area]common areas. (2)The nursing home shall require that employees who are not immune to measles, mumps, rubella, and varicella receive immunization for measles, mumps, rubella, or varicella, unlessmedically contraindicated or against the employees religious beliefs. (1) New Construction. [C. Locked Doors Prohibited. (69) Secretary means the Secretary of Health. M. SpecialMedical Wastes. D.Each day that the nursing[facility]homeoperates after the first conviction, without correction of the cited violation, is considered a subsequent offense and may subject the operator to further prosecution. Welcome to the Maryland Board of Nursing Temporary Nurse Aide Pathway for CNA/GNA Certification. Residents shall be given the opportunity to participate in planning menus. (d) Smoke dampers shall activate by smoke detectors located in the ducts at the smoke barrier, or by the smoke detectors used to close smoke barrier doors. Pages - Licensure by Endorsement - Maryland Board Of Nursing A written agreement with at least one acute hospital shall be effected which shall provide for the following actions: (1) Planning to ensure that all services required for the continuity of[patient]residentcare will be made available promptly; (2) Advance discussion with the[patient]residentregarding the reason for the transfer and any available alternatives; (4) Interchange of medical and other information necessary in the care and treatment of[patients]residentstransferred between[the]facilities, including notification of the licensed pharmacist of resident transfer; [(5) Timely admission to the hospital when the attending physician determines acute hospital care is medically appropriate;]. (5) Janitors ClosetNew Construction. (a) Air handling duct systems shall meet the requirements applicable to nursing homes cited in NFPA 99 Health Care Facilities Code. G.Emergency Procedures. Accreditation | University of Maryland School of Nursing Goal[outcome]outcomesshall be measurable in time or degree, or both. records, name and/or statements of witnesses and/or persons involved, In all instances sufficient consultation shall be provided to fulfill all required responsibilities. by telephone. Masks are required inside all of our care facilities. (4) If the resident refuses to be immunized, the nursing home shall document the refusal and the reason for the refusal. (b)The amount of storage space needed[is dependent upon]to store food depends on thefrequency of deliveries. Call us at (425) 485-6059. (1) A nursing homeshallhavesufficient lighting at night inthe followingareas: (c) Designated toiletsof the nursing home for the safety of theresidentwhogetsup during the night. (5) A nursing home that administers Schedule II drugs shall maintain a drug record that documents: (b) The date, time, kind, dosage, and method of administration of all Schedule II drugs; and. Mandated reporting is required when: Title 24 M.R.S. C.Cleanliness and Maintenance. (52) Physical therapist means an individual licensed to practice physical therapy by the State Board of Physical Therapy Examiners. Anursing home may not burn or incinerate garbage at the nursing home. Police Officer. (11) The committee shall make recommendations for improvements to pharmaceutical services. (2)A catered or satellite system shall be covered by a contractapproved by the Department. [(2)](b)[Seventy-five]A nursing home shall allot 75square feet[shall be allotted]for treatment area per[patient]resident,based on peak treatment schedules. (2) Foodinstorage shall be arranged so that new food items are stored behind old food items. customers, and stakeholders with Criminal History Records, US Background Checks: Government public If the patient becomes too difficult to manage, the patient shall be transferred to a suitable facility selected by the attending physician. [(6)](5)Safeandtimely transportation and care of the[patient]residentduring transfer; [(7)](6)Security and accountability for the[patients]residentspersonal effects; [(8)](7)Prompt readmission to the[comprehensive care facility or the extended care facility]nursing homeat the end of the hospital stay[(when program fiscal controls permit)]; [(9)](8)Annual review of[execution of]transfer arrangements[(]byautilization review committee or other designated group[)]to assure that each party is fulfilling the needs of[both]the[patients and]residents,the providers[(],the hospital,and the[comprehensive care facility or the extended care facility)]nursing home; [(10)](9)If needs are not being met,[it is the responsibility of]the administrator of the[comprehensive care facility or the extended care facility to]nursing home shallact on recommendations of the reviewing group[and]to effect compliance; [C. Exception for Comprehensive Care Facility. (c) Thefollowing floor areas may not be included in the calculation of floor space: (iii) The floor area occupied by wardrobes, bureaus, or lockers, when permanently installed as part of walls or ceilings and as a permanent component of a bedroom; (iv)HVAC equipment, including any steam, water, or electrical supply or return linesthatmay run parallel to the floor or interrupt the floor surface; (v) Supportcolumns, pipe chases, or otherstructures, whether free-standing or as an integral part of a wall; and. [There shall be at least 12 square feet perbed for 50 percent of the total licensed beds.]. [.35] .58Resident Care Management System. It is suggested that there be established a multi-discipline audit team to participate in an ongoing system of internal patient care audit.].