Career Field Designation Boards are being conducted annually, promotion and selection boards are being conducted by career field, some concerns over the Officer Evaluation Report have been addressed, and time in branch qualification positions for majors and associated stability is at an all time high. The documents hosted in the ACO Learning Center come from various sources. It is your responsibility to double-check the information you find on this site before you use it professionally. I am directly responsible to my commanding officer for the effective and efficient daily operations and mission. PDF U.S. Army Performance Evaluation Guide - New OER To contribute examples, enter them below. I met SSG Deleon on August 25, 2019, on the day he was assigned to Chaos Company. The Army rolled out a new support form. You must justify through detail why you think an officer deserves an outstanding rating. SSgt Trejo is an outstanding leader and I would be honored to serve with him again. The Army wants specifics on AR 623-3 and DA form 67-10-1a. My name is SSG Smith and I am writing on behalf of SGT Jones. Nevertheless, a large percentage of officers assume that if they do not receive KD opportunities as a support operations officer or battalion executive officer, promotion failure is guaranteed. - Develops. New Officer Evaluation Report means fewer boxes, more accountability I was previously assigned to Chaos Company, 3rd Battalion, 54th Infantry Regiment as the Senior Drill Sergeant of 4th Platoon and assisted in the activation of the Battalion and the 197th Infantry Brigade. HRC will serve as the final adjudicator, but the units' input combined with the officer's skill set are large parts of the assignment decision process. This will suggest to the reader that the incident was a one-time, out-of-character act, not likely to be repeated. The MER is the unit's best opportunity to submit formal input into the process. Answer (1 of 5): "Company grade" officers are junior executives in the grades of lieutenants (second and first) and captains (O-1 through O-3). Feel free to use these as a template for doing your own. Medical support, educational interests, or exploration opportunities are all worth consideration. He has not received any kind of discipline here in our work center, not even a verbal counseling. Spend some time thinking this through so that you can come up with material that will cast doubt on the charges. He would continuously arrive early, stay as late as he needed to ensure the daily tasks were met, and to prepare for the next day. Section 6. The people who will read your character statement don't know the individual personally, want to judge him or her fairly, and are depending on you to accurately and honestly describe the subject's character. He is easily in the top three junior NCOs that I have had the pleasure of working with. Stephen R. Covey's book "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" highlights a principle that is one of the most underrated by field-grade officers. Theoretically, each assignment officer will touch approximately 68 percent of their assigned population over a span of two years. Lt. Col. Charles L. Montgomery is the commander of the 123rd Brigade Support Battalion, 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Armored Division, at Fort Bliss, Texas. List incidents that you observed where he accepted orders or even punishment without argument. It's a pain in the ass, and nobody reads them, but you have to do them. I will have honorably served for 15 years come February, 2019. The below comments are not to replace the Army's definition, nor are . They just want to get an idea of the person's history so that they can make a fair decision based on the evidence. Assignment officers need time to work on special circumstances that require external coordination, such as by-name requests, nominations, and accommodations for enrollees in the Exceptional Family Member Program, and Married Army Couples Program. Officers projecting five-to-10 years into the future tend to lose sight of the criticality of their current performance, which jeopardizes growth potential. My name is SSG Wayne and I am SPC Morrison's supervisor. He is a graduate of Intermediate Level Education, Pathfinder School, Airborne School, the Joint Planners Course, the Joint Firepower Course, and the Mobilization and Deployment Course. Although I was not his direct supervisor, I worked closely with him for over 16 months. For these reasons, it is my humble recommendation that CW3 Texas-Ranger is advanced to CW4. He was not afraid to admit when he lacked knowledge of certain procedures or tasks; knowing I had the most experience on the trail in our company, SSG Deleon would come to me for guidance or advice to ensure he didn't look unprofessional in front of the Trainees. Achieve OER Rubrics | Achieve Officer Fitrep Bullets. He doesn't like confrontations and will avoid them if at all possible. New Army OER Rater bullet point comments; what are your - RallyPoint If you are asked to write a character statement, don't worry if you can't write well. Get some sleep. ". Bottom third officers are at risk for having promotion denied and basically have no chance of selection for battalion command. Normally a single paragraph that reinforces your belief in the subject and summarizes your statement. The body is the majority of the letter. 45 Examples of Effective Performance Evaluation Phrases PDF Officer Personnel Management in The Army: Past, Present, and Future - Dtic The prosecution will methodically present arguments proving their case by focusing on specific traits and if you want to have any hope of defending your pal, you must present specific examples in your statement. DA FORM 67-10-2 - Example Army Publishing Directorate - Details Page 3. No choice when you have to rate / are rated by someone you don't even know. DA FORM 67-10-2 - Field Grade Plate (O4 - O5; CW3 - CW5) Officer What form is the NCOER? Middle third officers may have a chance for joint opportunities and some nominative opportunities. Being a leader is where SSG Deleon shined the most. While these are effective and canonical definitions, there was just more I expected. The fundamental purpose of the MER is to give commanders and human resources professionals the ability to formally advocate for the skills, experience, and knowledge required to accomplish specific missions. Intermediate Rater Qualifications. I have been in the Army for over 11 years and I am currently the NCOIC of Personal Property at the Installation Transportation Office. SPC Smith is a quiet, soft-spoken individual who often keeps to himself. I have worked with SPC Morrison (as a co-worker and now as a supervisor) for almost two years and in that time I have never seen him lose his temper or even raise his voice to anyone. He would selflessly sacrifice his time on countless occasions, in order to lift the weight off his struggling peer's backs. The report is forwarded to the HQDA. Generally, the rule of thumb is that officers should have two OERs in a KD position. While TDY with her at Ft Meade, I had the opportunity to witness her instructing other NCOs about the GTC, its purpose, and its proper use. (3) (b) The rater will ensure that the rated officer or rated NCO receives a copy of the rater's and senior rater's support forms. He was always well groomed and his uniforms were always Inspection Ready. - Intellect. My name is SSG Smith and I am writing on behalf of SGT Jones. The nomination process begins with notifying the brigade commander and the selected officer about a nominative assignment. Despite this, he had an extremely positive impact on me and the unit. An OER with negative comments, "no" block checks, or negative ratings (referred OER), is career threatening for the Officer who receives it. I know SGT Jones has dedicated her life to the Army is an integral part of it. Leadership is more than knowing where you are, where you want to go, and how you are going to get there. Discuss job description and performance objectives with rated officer within 30 days. Counsel quarterly throughout rating period. Provides an overview of the new Army regulation, citing paragraphs and page numbers in the regulation. 4. It is imperative that officers communicate with their assignment officers early, especially if they are in the next movement cycle. In fact, I once heard our Maintenance NCO praise him at a meeting with the NCOIC, saying he wished he had more Soldiers like him. In my professional opinion, SSgt Trejo has always confidently displayed what it means to be a U.S Marine. Field Grade Officers play team ball. Use plain bond paper and the official memorandum format. !! However, I must note that SPC Smith was not the cause those conflicts. HRC wants to nominate officers who desire the positions and have the right skills for those positions. Over 1,000 Rater and Senior Rater bullets for NCOERs and OERs. Based on my experience and observations working alongside of SSgt Trejo, I highly recommend him for retention in the United States Marine Corps. It must directly describe traits that support the person's character and counters the alleged bad behavior. SUBJECT: Character Statement for SGT Jones. To do otherwise would hurt your reputation and possibly make you subject to UCMJ action. " Your team consistently meets their goals often exceeding expectations. Ensuring family peace is an enduring priority. thank you Sir!! This is important. OFFICER EVALUATION RECORD. The Evaluator: The Comprehensive Guide For Preparing Army NCOERs/OERs Report) to DA Form 67-10-4 (Strategic Grade Plate General Officer Evaluation Report) (para 1-1). Develop - Leaders foster teamwork; express care for individuals; promote learning; maintain expertise, skills and self-awareness; coach, counsel and mentor others; foster job development, and steward the profession of Arms. Evaluation Reporting System Flashcards | Quizlet Promotion opportunities are many, and multiple paths lead to the same end state. He owned his Platoon, took responsibility for their mistakes, never made excuses for his short comings, and always gave the Trainees credit for their successes. Despite the unjustified provocation, SPC Morrison remained calm and in a respectful manner, explained our situation, and then just walked away. His commitment to our mission was something he held near and dear to his heart. Every officer matters to the continued success of our organization. HELP! CLICK ON THE "CREATE OER TAB" at the top which will pull the basic admin data from the existing support form into an OER shell. The Ultimate Field Grade Officer Survival Guide. Each officer has a specific YMAV or DEROS that identifies when they are eligible to move.