Studies have found that eating foods high in vitamin C and iron can reduce the absorption of ingested nickel. Usually they cannot explain why they suddenly develop allergic symptoms. I called the company. Symptoms include: a rash. My dermatologist gave me a long list of foods containing nickel from a dermatology textbook.He also gave me a food pyramid that has which foods are high, medium, and low nickel content. Look for safer substitutes for common nickel-containing items: If you have to be exposed to nickel at work, creating a barrier between you and the nickel may help. They can be proce ed into jam, tea or puree. Nickel allergy is a common cause of allergic contact dermatitis an itchy rash that appears where your skin touches a usually harmless substance. I as well am Nickel allergy because of knee implants rarely gives cutaneous symptoms, but could potentially lead to peri-prosthetic osteolysis and loosening. . Systemic reactions, such as hand dermatitis or generalized eczematous reactions, can occur due to dietary nickel or cobalt ingestion. Find out how an undiagnosed food allergy and. In addition, the contact allergy can be detected with the help of a blood test (RAST test). May cause adverse effects on fertility or the unborn child. My thoughts are anyone with a serious allergy to Cobalt or Nickel should not be alone when taking a product that MAY contain Cobalt or Nickel. licorice root tea. Ro e hip have a fle hy ba e and ta te weet and our. There they usually cause irritation of the follicles. If you have a known allergy to cobalt or if you've been diagnosed with Leber's disease, you should not take a B-12 supplement. Cobalt blue is used in light blue tattoos and can lead to sarcoidal allergic reactions. The best part is that it is fragrance-free and does not contain lanolin or dye, making it a safe hair cleanser with as minimal side effects as possible. This site complies with the HONcode standard for trustworthy health information: verify here. Metals such as nickel, cobalt, chromium, and zinc are ubiquitous in our environment. Cobalt naphthenate used in the polyester resin and plastics manufacturing industries can also cause an allergic contact dermatitis, but this may not be detected by the standard patch test with cobalt chloride. In addition, people who have regular exposure to nickel while doing "wet work" as a result of either sweat or frequent contact with water may be more likely to develop nickel allergy. Never delay seeking advice or dialling emergency services because of something that you have read on HealthUnlocked. This is more commonly known as Systemic Nickel Allergy Syndrome (SNAS). I chose not to have injections because I am allergic to almost everything! Yellow gold. Precautionary //