The circle should extend beyond the drip line by one-half the distance between the trunk and the ends of the branches. But the best known by-product of the Sourwood tree is the hard-to-find and extremely delicious honey that bees produce from the fragrant blossoms. I'm in the earliest stages of planning a house. This tree will not tolerate dry, compacted, alkaline soils or deicing salt, and is sensitive to root disturbance, so it is not ideal for urban areas. Trimming off weak-looking branches and leaving five to eight evenly spaced branches would be ideal. Sourwood | Bates Canopy | Bates College Water a sourwood tree often enough to prevent the ground from drying out. Alternate, simple, finely-toothed, glossy green leaves (3 to 6 inches long to 1 to 3 inches wide) entire to serrate margin shiny and glossy, reminiscent of a peach or laurel leaf. Prune sourwood in early spring before its new growth starts. The growth rate is 2-3 feet each year. After filling the hole and tamping down the soil, water the sourwood thoroughly and mulch around the root zone. White fragrant flowers in early summer. Scientific Name: Common Name: Scientific Name Pronounciation: Plant Type: Tree Plant Hardiness Zones: Plant Hardiness Zone (s): Usual Size: Flower: Bloom Time Notes: Leaf: Fruit: Wildlife: Natural Habitat: Propagation: Bloom Time: Sourwood Honey comes from the nectar of the flower on the Sourwood Tree, which blooms in July/August of each year . Waxy, lily-of-the-valley-like, white bell-shaped flowers that bloom on slender, second on axis, drooping, one-sided slender terminal panicles (4 to 8 inches long) from June to July. Also, keep a 5-foot (1.5-meter) clearance beneath the canopy by removing limbs from the tree. This tree is especially common in Southeastern US. The sour-tasting leaves have short petioles and grow alternately on the trees stems. A sourwood faced with combined heat and drought drops its leaves. Young sourwood trees with green and red leaves. U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness, Different Types Of Sorrel - Learn About Common Sorrel Varieties, Sorrel Plant Uses - Tips On Using Sorrel Herbs In Cooking, Using Sorrel Herbs - How To Prepare Sorrel Plants, Growing Hostas In Colorado And The Southwest US, Problems With Butterfly Bushes: Common Butterfly Bush Pests And Diseases, Pears And Fire Blight: How To Treat Pear Tree Blight, Hardy Kiwi Diseases: How To Treat A Sick Kiwi Plant, Feeding Amaryllis Plants Learn How And When To Fertilize Amaryllis Bulbs, Home & Garden Marketplace: Advertiser Info. effective for aging men having kidney and bladder problems. However, according to the Virginia Cooperative Extension at Virginia Tech, the sourwood tree can be difficult to start in your garden: "Despite its grace and beauty, sourwood trees are. If there are issues with low bloom production, you might consider testing your soil for deficiencies, but until the tree is mature enough to set blooms, time and patience are your best friend. It grows to about 23 metres (75 feet) in height. WARNING: Some websites to which these materials provide links for the convenience of users are not managed by the University of Kentucky. 96. University of Georgia Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources; Native Tree Series; Sourwood, GoLocalProv Lifestyle: The Best Tree You Can Plant This Spring, University of Tennessee Extension: Fertilizing Landscape Trees, University of Georgia College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences: Pruning Ornamental Plants in the Landscapei, The most important gardening tools you didn't know you needed. In autumn, you can recognize the sourwood tree by the rows of brown fruit standing erect on curving stems. Sourwood's bark is grayish brown tinged with red, and deeply furrowed with scaly ridges. Fragrant white blooms in July in elongated clusters. Resistant to fire. RM 2M871R1 - Close up of red fall foliage and flowers of a sourwood or sorrel tree Oxydendron arboreum in Vancouver, BC, Canada. 2023 Gardening Know How, Future US LLC, Full 7th Floor, 130 West 42nd Street, New York, NY 10036. List of pests, diseases and tolerances: There aren't any serious insect or disease problems. Another reason why the sourwood is so valuable as an ornamental tree in the landscape is because it does get seriously damaged by any insects or diseases that take up residence. Fall foliage is red to reddish-purple. It helps to amend the soil with compost to increase acidity and add sand or gravel to improve drainage. A native tree of North America, the sourwood is one of the few endemic trees that is not found in other continents unless planted and has no related species. Their larvae eat through and overwinter in the stem tissue. The hickory horned devil caterpillar is a huge green caterpillar that looks aggressive but is harmless and wont bite you. A very ornamental plant, it will flower in 4 to 5 years after planting from seed. Sourwood Tree - Knowledge Base . oxydendrum arboretum sourwood Share: facebook twitter pinterest googleplus linkedin James R. Fazio Find on the Map. Silvery seed capsules continue well into winter, after the scarlet- and-orange autumn leaves drop. Sourwood trees are easy to identify in the fall due to their brilliant colors. Its said that sourwood leaves taste like sour apples. We offer 3 days to report any problems with your order. The leaves are heavily charged with acid and can be chewed (but should not be swallowed) to help alleviate a dry-feeling mouth. Enter keywords to search on the arboretum map. Reports show that using stem cuttings to propagate a sourwood rarely succeeds. If you are thinking of planting sourwood trees, youll want to learn more sourwood tree information. The name Sourwood is derived from the acrid taste of its leaves, but tea made from these leaves is widely used by mountain climbers as a thirst-quencher. Click here, then click on your county either on the map or from the list of counties below it. Culture: Sun to part shade. Branching patterns and persistent fruit give the tree an interesting look in the winter. It produces small, persistent, tan, dry capsules. That being said, here are a few of the rare cultivars to have actually made it into cultivation in the trade: Pruning the sourwood is a pure joy as it is very slow-growing, and the only worries you should have are pruning the tree for structure and establishing a single leader. It is home primarily in the woodlands and along the water. The name Sourwood is derived from the acrid taste of its leaves, but tea made from these leaves is widely used by mountain climbers as a thirst-quencher. Blooms from June to early July, with fragrant white flowers on drooping stalks that look very similar to lilies-of-the-valley. Sourwood Tree Seedling For Sale | Buy Seedlings These flowers also provide the nectar for bees and the very tasty and sought out sourwood honey. The common name derives from the sour taste of the leaves, which are finely toothed and glossy. It needs 6 or more hours of direct sunlight a day and the sunniest spot in the yard gets 4-5. . If youve never heard of sourwood trees, you have missed out on one of the most beautiful native species. The flowers themselves have a slight fragrance and are 1/4" long. Gardening For Bees In Nebraska And West North Central Region, Ornamental Grasses Ohio Valley Gardeners Should Grow, Problems With Butterfly Bushes: Common Butterfly Bush Pests And Diseases, Pears And Fire Blight: How To Treat Pear Tree Blight, Hardy Kiwi Diseases: How To Treat A Sick Kiwi Plant, Feeding Amaryllis Plants Learn How And When To Fertilize Amaryllis Bulbs, Home & Garden Marketplace: Advertiser Info. However, ensuring the sourwood tree gets plenty of sunlight and adequate water should make it resistant to most diseases. Leaves are dark, lustrous green and appear to weep or hang from the twigs. Once the seedlings appear, apply a diluted acidic fertilizer for seedlings every two weeks. We sell only container-grown plants in this species because of this limitation plus it reduces plant loss especially when planting orchards for honey production. There is a second act to the Sourwood season, when, with the onset of cooler weather and shortening days it bursts forth into a breathtaking display of burgundy and red. Plant the trees in full sun. Sourwood makes an excellent specimen tree, and can also be used in shrub borders with Rhododendron, Pieris and Leucothoe. Plant the sourwood tree in full sun in a location that gets at least six hours of sunlight daily. Additionally, use nitrate-based fertilizer because ammonium ones will burn the roots. long and look a little like peach leaves. Store in a cool place and keep roots moist . Sourwood Tree Seedling gets its name from its sour-tasting leaves. Honey Jar Mock-Up - Male hands holding a honey jar on a gray. Sourwood Tree: Leaves, Bark, Flowers (With Pictures) - Identification It is of little value as a timber species but the wood is heavy and is used locally for handles, firewood and in mixture with other species for pulp. Leaf spot and twig blight infrequently occur on the Sourwood tree. Sourwood (Oxydendrum arboreum) grows in the upland forests of the southeastern United States. Techniques have been described for sourwood seed collection, storage, and germination (2,5,14). To propagate a sourwood tree from seed, you need a seedling tray filled with a moist potting medium. Sourwoods are notorious for bad transplanting, so it's vital that you adequately water the newly planted tree. Native sourwood trees are beautiful ornamental trees that provide visual interest in all seasons. Sourwood flowers are very attractive to bees, and sourwood honey is common in the South. If you are thinking of planting sourwood trees, you'll want to learn more sourwood tree information. Ewing is located in USDA Zone 6b. Also, remove limbs off the tree to keep a 5 ft. (1.5 m) space under the canopy. Its fall color is a spectacular deep red. Learn tips for creating your most beautiful home and garden ever. Source for Sourwood tree? or other similar native? - Houzz They bloom during mid-summer. Mix peat, composted pine bark or other organic material into the removed soil and begin refilling the hole, stopping halfway to water the roots and let the tree settle. Send mail to with questions about this site. In autumn, sourwood leaves develop colorful fall foliage in vibrant shades of crimson red to burgundy and purple. After two weeks, you can transplant the seedlings to the ground. It wont perform well where other rapidly growing trees block the sun it loves. The Sourwood tree (Oxydendrum arboreum) is also known as the lily of the valley because of its beautiful flowers. Fall webworm can defoliate portions of the tree in summer and fall but usually control is not needed. You might see the trees blooming in various regions also. Lumber is used for tool handles and was once used to make wagon sled runners. Sourwoods are not drought-tolerant plants and require plenty of moisture during the growing seasons. Yields an oval-shaped fruit that is under " in diameter. Full Sun or Shade for a Crimson Queen Maple. "With no major pests or diseases, this native . Shop products from small business brands sold in Amazon's store. Small sourwood trees are usually planted as specimen trees to provide multi-season interest. A native tree of North America, the sourwood is one of the few endemic trees that is not found in other continents unless planted and has no related species. (sourwood), leaves, fall color, Oxydendrum arboreum (L.) DC. Sourwood has a deep and fibrous root system and has a reputation for being difficult to transplant or move. Plant damage by borers like the dogwood twig borers or azalea stem borers can cause new twigs to die off or leaves to curl downward. Birch Trees: Types, Leaves, Bark - Identification (With Images), Types of Trees With Thorns (Pictures and Names) - Identification Guide, White Oak Tree: Leaves, Bark, Fruit (Acorn) (Picture) Identification, Tree Fertilizers: When and How (Including The Best Tree Fertilizers), Sourwood Tree (Oxydendrum arboreum): Leaves, Bark, Flowers Identification Guide (With Pictures), panicles of creamy-white, urn-shaped flowers, Small or Dwarf Weeping Trees for Landscaping, Small Trees for Landscaping Compact Spaces. Reportedly not highly drought tolerant, but there are beautiful specimens in USDA hardiness zone 7 growing in the open sun in poor clay with no irrigation. Natural hollows in these trees are refuge for climbing reptiles and amphibians, bats and other small wildlife.