Nup. At the time of his birth, his parents had been married for 23 years. They fear she might have been poisoned, so King Louis XIV shuts all access To Versailles. *The only voice, your own. You can read more about Henriettas death here. Good idea, he says breathlessly. They take her hands. I certainly cant say for certain what the writers intent was with that scene, but in this writers opinion it is multilayered a) to show Philippes slow growing resentment towards his brother: he says I want a boy, just like my brother. Admittedly, its in the middle of a shag, when she is distracted, but still. Then she says: can you feel my skin? And reaches out first to Louis, then Philippe. Louis. He goes on to make threats and trouble for her. We establish right from the start that she has no powershe was forced to marry a man she did not want because the king wants to keep her close. Louis is a shit to Philippe. I do understand you are a fan of Philippe, but I dont understand why that nessitates that Henriette be viewed as the villian. Im guessing they were pretty equal. (its only 16mins and 50 seconds in not that I was counting *innocent whistle*) Filmed in the Chteau de Maisons in Maisons-Lafitte, in the Salon dHercule, he strides past Montcourt, demands to know what he is doing. Is she a villain for this because of the thinking of the day? She finally asks. But that was the thinking of the time. You mentioned the Charles Beaubrun painting of Louis & Philippewell I was noticing how this stunning piece travels around the palace in season one. It is one or the other. Philippe replies calmly: You acted out of pride. Lord. Does she want to end things with Louis? I realise that you are not a fan of the historical figure but I am speaking strictly of the character. In the early hours of 30 June, she died. Henriette of England is poisoned during her trip back from England. Aaaaaand there we have the end of the episode and the end of Season One. What shall I do! This moment echoes the first from the opening scene in Episode One, where the traitors rush in on the pretext of getting Louis safely away. Bontemps says: protocol demands that if the air is impure and if you are at risk, you must leave immediately. (this is true) Marchal strides in to take command. The historical notes you added were my favourite of all, I love knowing whats accurately portrayed and for the parts that were tweaked, what the actual history was. She is currently working on a biography of Louis XIV. and Nine. Im genuinely curious to know why you consider Philippe the victim and Henriette the traitor in that relationship. The camera pans up to show the Queen on her knees in prayer, then a select few further back (I see Colbert, Louvois, Montespan, Sophie, Cassel). Claudine and Philippe converse, with Claudine saying she feels they are not through the worst. Versailles recap: la finale - tout le monde has gone ape-merde! Then Ep 8 miscarriage scene the painting is no longer on table. Do you honestly think that just because certain abusesatrocities, evenwere acceptable, that those on the receiving end didnt feel anger, pain, violation, etc. the court was rife with extra-marital affairs involving married women as well as men, but still) but that does not mean Henriette could turn her feelings for Louis off at the touch of a wedding ring from a man she didnt choose or want. The only protection offered is by Louis. Not Marchal! Philippe has been by her side throughout this. But I still dont get why he doesnt just dob them both in.? And just like that, the light dims in his eyes, his face twists and his zealotry is gone. THIS. Neither of them showed much interest or affection for the other, both clearly preferring their lovers. Philippe loves and is loyal to his brother and only wants Louis to allow him to support him. Lets just say, Henriettes jealous behaviour is a far cry less despicable than Philippes.). Im no Henriette fan, but Im so sorry, no, Philippe did not win the victim sweepstakes in that marriage. In every possible way. .. now, I am not saying that Colbert is implying Philippe poisoned his wife, but it sure sounds like it. Check back soon for my overview and wrap up of the entire season. In any case, Philippe is Louis victim but definitely NOT Henriettes. Learn how your comment data is processed. Photograph: BBC. I did have a thought, though, why the writers didnt build up to her being the young version of one of Louis mistresses, he had so many. As she made her last confession, the English ambassador, Lord Montagu, asked Henriette if she believed she had been poisoned. I blame it all on Louis! And even after Louis became tired of Louise, he didnt run back to Henriettes arms either, instead he turned to Montespan who became his next mistress. Fact-checking Versailles: how historically accurate is the BBC drama? She is gravely ill. Montespan pauses for a second, then declares she must go to her (because you know, Montespan is supposed to be one of her ladies-in-waiting). He sent poison to Paris, where it passed through several hands before ending up in the jug containing the chicory water. For her lot to improve, she could only hope for things to happen. Its really sad, she could have been a great queen with Louis (he might not be faithful to her, but they will have live better than now), but the turns of fate, made her his brothers wife instead. Panoramica: After crushing the Protestants and thwarted Leto, Louis feels invincible. Having spent the first episode ripping their kit off at any opportunity, the court of Versailles has taken an oath of chastity. Thank you! Because the whole world gave you counsel. Montespan banters but Louis doesnt bite. even if it turned out his brother was the poisoner. Louis paranoia about his little brother is completely unfounded. Perfectly written line is delivered perfectly by perfect actor. I think he has done his younger brother irreperable harm and, at times, I wonder if he wouldnt throw Philippe to the wolves if it suited him or France. Affair of the Poisons | Versailles Wiki | Fandom You couldnt guarantee any would survive. But his treatment of her does make me think, rather than an actual person, the writers have quite subtly used her as a tool: she is the only person Philippe can take his frustrations out on he knows she loves Louis, and at that point Louis is still very much in love with her Philippe knows this, and punishes Louis the only way he can, but punishing his mistress. Says you made me marry him. Louis XIV was born on 5 September 1638 in the Chteau de Saint-Germain-en-Laye, to Louis XIII and Anne of Austria. Around 5pm on 29th June Henriette drank chicory water, then keeled over saying Ah! While making this video i was inspired by the scene when Henriette talks about her first mask ball. It felt like if the whole world came running for us his voice thickens with emotion, we might fend off all who would take us ill. He finally looks up, at Louis. It happened so fast, but did Fabien Marshal shoot Charlotte Parthanay, and if so, why? Colbert looks a bit stunned. From the bed, Henriette says pitifully, Dont leave me and straight away, we know who that is aimed at. It could also be argued that Philippe is relatively powerless, but only where Louis, his older brother and his king, is concerned. Anyway, back to the story. Just because the thinking of the day viewed a woman as mere property and not a person in her own right does not mean she isnt a human being with the same feelings and needs as any other. Point 4: This point actually supports my own. And it certainly wasnt the unwavering, steadfast, loyal or constant love that one would most want from a beloved one. Spooks), it was no surprise when this drama arrived with a hearty dollop of sex, violence, tension, and intrigue. (yeah, I know I said I liked Marchal/Claudine, too! Yes, she says and does little things that hurt Philippe, but he does the same and muchoh so much!worse to her. Philippe adds: .or two, perhaps. And he strides off. Even if I ignore the historical figures behind the show and what I know of their real lives, I cant ignore the historical setting or the social arena in which the show is played. But unlike Philippe, Henriette never snogged her lover obnoxiously right there in the same room with him. Henriette, Duchesse dOrlans, the sister-in-law of Louis XIV, took a drink of her usual chicory water and immediately clutched her side, crying out in pain. Point 3: Good question, which is the greater sin? Gaston de Foix was arrested and tortured as the potential poisoner by Fabien. Henriette wanted to go!). As for Philippe, I cant make out what he is. LOUIS. Louis looks stunned too. Louis replies how else was I to keep you close. Especially as her lover was the king. Bontemps: For you, Sire. Shine on Bontemps, you unsubtle diamond, you. She was 26. Incest or homosexuality? We learn that she has loved Louis since they were children. Point 8: Again, refer to comments on Henriettes lack of power as a woman and as a subject of the king to say no to said king. And silently walks to the window. Le Roi Danse, which is all about the rise and fall of Lully, Louis XIVs court composer (French, but hard to find with English subtitles). As to it appearing that it seems like it almost never happened. We now see Philippe, so resigned, with tears down his cheeks, then Louis with a no, this is NOT happening. look on his face, eyes still dry. Ah, but not so devout that Louis followed all the teachings. Menu. Dear Anne, Im guessing I know a fair bit more about rape, the history of rape, the history of rape within marriage and womens rights (and lack thereof) than you realise. Hi Janet! Only a year or so to go until a new season arrived on fledgling network Ovation, its U.S. cable home. Henriette is Philippes wife, his property, his to do with as he wishes. It is Louis who victimises Philippe and he does it in every way he can think of. Maybe that is where she got the poison she used on Fabien? But gossip is gossip and it was particularly rife and vicious in those days. (Historical note: this happened and wasnt at all odd) The door suddenly opens, the Queenis standing there. He did it with Prince Annaba, with Philippe and the Chevalier, with Philippe in the bath whether its just him thinking hey, Im the King, I can do whatever TF I want or some other deep need to catch people unawares, I do not know). Such a beautiful moment, with Philippe building on their complex relationship, reminding Louis of a more simplistic time. I know this coming years later, but to Theresa THANK YOU SO MUCH. Henriette was more than happy to become second only to Marie-Therese. And if you reread my words very carefully, you might realise that I never once touched on the legality of it. That Henriette was such an effective way of hurting Philippe is down to Philippes viewing her as his property, not because he felt any true affection for her (at least, not until closer towards the end, when I do believe he really does care). (Historical note: it was forbidden for the King to be in the presence of death. <3 <3 I love the outfit on the fashion doll that we see when Philippe and Lorraine flounce into the salon full of cloth and trinkets, and later we see that same coat on Philippe as they stroll the gardens :), Your email address will not be published. A side-note: On Sophie. I just found out your site and I must congratulate you for your beautifully written reviews. Henriette says to Philippe: Im sorry. Louis stands outside: her life is in your hands, he says ominously. Its just that his anger and upset (and yes, jealousy I think) affects him so much, because its just another way for his brother to control and belittle him, make him less. And we came here for a visit. Mainly wanted to know about Chevalier after last weeks tearful declaration of love. He gets up and leaves, walking through the corridors with a candelabra. Such emotion. Except, when hes really angry and he rapes her. Rohan. Bontemps is still confused: you told us Montcourt was to blame. How can he be so sure? Im genuinely having real trouble understanding your position here. And to Ainee for perspective. we then learn Henriette is Philippes wife. He should be he has not given up either of their names for the part they played in his arrest. Well, my thought is Philippe angrily claiming his conjugal rights may well have happened before. Louis looks mega pissed. A day later, I was hooked. They fear she might have been poisoned, so King Louis XIV shuts all access To Versailles. Hi Theresa, and thanks for your comment. Only honestly acknowledging that Philippes glorious death in battlesomething that would not displease Philippe, himselfwouldnt necessarily break her heart. I must be poisoned! so Philippe ordered her dog to be fed the water. These scenes are odd for me to watch, but by now, I have totally put aside any frustration when the show deviates from what I know of the actual history. I think that if he really loved Henriette that much, he wouldnt have gotten over her so quickly and easily, once they dangled a pretty, young blonde newcomer court lady to distract him. In Versailles, Madame de Clermont is running round like a blue-arsed fly having discovered that her poison has gone missing. Ugh. It was so good. There are a few movies I enjoy that are fairly accurate. They grew up knowing what their duty was as prince and princess. It was quite the method du jour to get rid of a person, as the series has shown. Women were not allowed to practice medicine at that time and her father clearly disapproves, particularly as she grows more skilled and knowledgable than him. Stars: George Blagden, Alexander Vlahos, Tygh Runyan Director(s . We see a quick shot of Montcourts body being dumped from a cart into the muddy swampiness, to join other rotting, decaying bodies. Yet another possibility is that she had a duodenal ulcer which burst, leading to peritonitis. The advice you took came from only one source. the door opens, and Montespan enters. A hundred years ago. Also, his relationship with his brother was much less complicated than we see in this show, Philippe was a very simple person when it came to feelings, he was affectionate and friendly. Season Two Mike and the last of Rohans men are massacred in a last stand by the musketeers, led by Fabien Marchal. And Louis is left in the salon, framed by the door, the guards, and looking incredibly vulnerable and alone. Philippe raping his wife. And Marchal sees this too, his eyes flicking down to focus on them, then showing us aflashback of the dying girl, Charlotte de Parthanay, whom he held in his arms in Episode Three, where she says she saw angels. Versailles (TV Series 2015-2018) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. Id be happy with either, tbh! Poisoned? Henriette. Philippe and Henriette were forced into a marriage with someone they didnt love or care for. Earlier that day, a servant spotted one of Philippes mignons and Grand Equerry (Master of the Horse), the Marquis dEffiat, drink water stored in a cabinet near Henriettes chambers, wipe the glass, then go on his way. Director Daniel Roby Writers Simon Mirren David Wolstencroft Stars George Blagden Alexander Vlahos Tygh Runyan See production, box office & company info Claudine Masson Fabien Marchal Henriette of England Henriette and Montespan Fabien and Sophie Isabella Braganza Claudine and Fabien Marie-Thrse and Montespan Versailles (series) Sophie de Clermont Philippe of France Henriette and Louis Philippe and Liselotte's Wedding Chevalier and Henriette Categories Duchess Henriette becomes suddenly ill when she returns from a visit to her brother in England. We awarded it to you for bravery. *IMAGERY KLAXON*, Next scene Marchal is riding furiously through the forest , no mood music, no sound, and he then bursts into Rohans rooms with guards, only to find the servant Marie on the floor, her wrist slashed with a knife. His face may be handsome but now he just reminds me of a ferret. Louis staggers to his feet, Montcourt bleeding out on the floor, and he goes to Marchal, who has collapsed near the fireplace. Get him out! Henriette cries. Coming from the quills of noted showrunners David Wolstencroft and Simon Mirren, both known for gripping series with a conspiratorial bent (i.e. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. The fact that she could feel anything at all for him (beyond disgust) by the end surprises me. Philippe, despite their mutual loathing, was upset and distraught, so suspicion then fell to the absent Chevalier de Lorraine, who at the time was still in exile in Rome. Hi Jules and Aly, A page for describing Characters: Versailles. We now join Rohan with the Dauphin, riding out with the Kings Guard. (Same with the Chevalier and his jealousy of Philippes wives. I kind of doubt it). Louis smacks it away with the poker, Marchal steps in, Montcourt grabs a candlestick. for Season 2. NOT AT ALL acceptable in the eyes of pretty much everyone. As Mme de Svign wrote: She was taken ill and died within eight hours, and we have lost with her all the joy, all the charm and all the pleasures of the Court. And Philippe is the one who looks tortured, he is the emotional one, while Louis remains stoic. And in the context of the show, I did find it a nice touch, the apology to him. I am sobbing. And in 1671 during Louis three day visit to the Prince de Conds Chteau de Chantilly, the Master of Festivities and Pleasures Franois Vatel killed himself over the late delivery of fish, and Louis was quickly hustled away (as shown in the wonderful 2000 Gerard Depardieu movie, Vatel)), So we see Claudine striding to the bedchamber but her way is barred. It can be quite shocking to us, but pretty much most children died before adulthood people mourned, mirrors were covered and a service held, but some didnt wait more than a few days before picking themselves up and going off to the next party or ball or soiree. Finally, the king weeps for his love, when he is alone. They are singing. Minor detail maybe, but not sure if that doesnt change the meaning of the next bit somewhat? They talk about whats happening Marchal is questioning people, and Sophie was taken in that morning. I think Philippe will always blame Louis for Henriette's death, and I can't see when they'll ever be reconciled again. Of course not. Historically, poison was definitely suspected in Henriette's death and briefly, here's how it went down: It was 1670 and Henriette was pissed off she couldn't be with Louis at Versailles, and of course Monsieur knew this, so he ordered her to accompany him to Saint Cloud. Louis reels off a list of people who were with Henriette on her journey, people that must be interrogated. Henriette, however, was never robust and often experienced such terrible pains in her side that she would lie on the floor to find respite. Now we are with Marchal, who is interrogating Henriettes ladies, Sophie included. And she was having an affair with the Comte de Guiche. She seems like she has genuinely been brought in as a main character simply to drive the wedge deeper between Louis and Philippe, but not contribute anything herself to most of her scenes! *insert sound of breaking heart here*. I choose to believe it was a mistake on the writers part and will simply fast forward over it when I rewatch. Seems likely in the show (historically, this is not so the case at all). I believe Louis did love her. It is Louis, and not Henriette, whom I see as the one who does the greatest harm to Philippe. Rohan grabs her by the throat, saying it is not yet clear to him what she has done to earn her money, then demands she clean his room before leaving. He was shut out of his mothers (Anne of Austria) last moments, while Philippe was in attendance, where, despite her appalling treatment of her second son, he openly wept and grieved. She also miscarries a baby that was either her husband Philippe's or the King's, no one is sure. In reality it only took a very short time for the plan to take full effect. . Louis looks strained, says: I do not regret sending her. The sudden onset of Henriettes illness, the severe pain and the short time between the onset of her symptoms and her death suggested to her contemporaries that she had been poisoned. Is it fair? The sad irony here is, I do think Louis cares very much for Philippe but he cannot let his armour of paranoia down enough to recognise Philippes loyalty and the fact that he can trust his brother. He was brought up and ruled as absolute monarch, and believed for the good of France. In the show Philippe tries time and again to offer his support and love, but is constantly betrayed or rejected (this happened with the historical figures, too. Noemie Schmidt: Yes, totally stuck. Louis: you are grieving. Philippe shakes his head: I grieve alone. Louis swallows then says: You will marry again. Philippe interjects: I simply want to live. Louis: It is your duty. Philippe hisses: I have had my fill of duty. It was really interesting reading both of your viewpoints. Required fields are marked *. Ill tell you, though, that, like you, I totally adore Philippe in this series, the actor is great and some King/brother interaction is well done. I think we see fairly good evidence in episode 7 that not only does Philippe support his brother, but that he is honestly frightened of the idea of running the country and has no desire to take his brothers place (his anger at being overlooked for the regency is more due to his hurt that no one supports him or takes him seriouslyhis experience all his life). We see Louis take what is rightfully and lawfully his his wife. But your first strike would have to be true. And even after watching both seasons 1 and 2 of Versailles, I wouldnt say that he loved her a lot but on the show it was to a certain degree. THIS. Back with the sick princess and Claudine is fiddling with potions while Henriette writhes and vomits blood. Hi, Louis stares out the window in the antechamber, servants bring in food, but Marchal suspects poisoning and sends it back until its safety can be confirmed. There was no indication of poisoning, so death was attributed to cholera morbus caused by corrupt and boiling bile, which had led to gangrene in the entrails and other parts of the lower abdomen. I risked my life for your vanity, to rescue your wifes dowry. Louis: I acted for France because I AM FRANCE! Philippe remains stoic this time its Louis getting angry and we know why. If anything, his expression pays deference to her status as a princess, hes contemplating his own mortality. NOT I dont want you to die, (that comes later) she says my problems cannot be solved, you know that. Way to avoid his question. The camera then cuts to Rohan, drinking and brooding in his room, absently stabbing the table with a knife as he glares at a portrait of Louis-as-a-boy (which is a gorgeous portrait and includes Philippe, apparently in a private collection and attributed to artist Charles Beaubrun. Only 4 of his children grew up, and even then, another died at 27. (*cries*), Bontemps goes to see Louis. I love this show <3. God knows the wolves might have taken us but what did we know? Henriette answered Montagu with a shrug: she did not know. Grrrr well Im not writing all that over again. A subtle yet interesting choice made by production to change the portraits in Henriettes chambers. Philippe is most definitely not the victim in his marriage. Marchal: The King once told me, he warned me quite clearly that his enemies would seek to destroy those closest to him. Heres a thought: what is your view to Claudine? Pretty sure he was not the one who did the poisoning thing. Rohan took him riding. Then he screams out: CALL THE GUARD!. She is powerless. Maybe that is where she got the poison she used on Fabien?, de Clermont went to a brothel to obtain poison and the love potion Lauren (Marchals henchwoman) tells him thats what she observed. The midwife and doctor were horrified but there was nothing she could do!!! And Rohan chuckles and I well. I am tired of waiting for you to keep it, says the Queen casually as she gets into bed with Louis then settles down. Okay, Im gonna walk you through what I see, so bear with me. A rant about the UK press and their Versailles reviews. I am a friend. However, Madeleine de Foix, Gaston's mother, defends her son at the salon, but when facing banishment, she stabs Fabien, almost killing him. I will speak to whomever I like. Louvois: I know this is true. Anyhow, just wanted to say And Bontemps replies: we are all proud of her, Sire. Louis: And now someone is trying to destroy me, by destroying her. Rohan appears: And they will not succeed I came as soon as I could I wish to offer myself to you as your subject and as your friend. UGGGGGH. I also read your discussion between yourself and Teresa about episode 10. We found an old building a sorry shack made of stone and moss. As Montcourt is delivering this little speech, the camera angle singles out the massive symbolism in the shot: the angels on his leather sash belt. Philippe replies, almost resignedly: Im not asking for permission. Also, Louiss eyes are wet earlier than you recount, namely in the first shot after she says can you hear the flowers? I let a wolf back into my barn! Montcourts hand slides to his hip, Marchal sees this (good Chief of Police *pets his pretty head*) and Montcourt still denies, Louis accuses him of poisoning Henriette. Claudine confirms poison and Louis huddles with his advisors: he wants to know if any English are at court. You said everything that should have been pointed out a long time ago, with counterpoints and parallels that shone a light on some arguments and favoritism that , within the context of the show not history, were just mind boggling. A letter from the King of Sweden has arrived, telling Louis he has agreed to break his alliance with the Dutch and support the French. Montcourt turns and quickly leaves. You died of a cold, or a simple infection or someone sneezing on you. Are you suggesting that she would have the power to deny the king even if she wanted to?