you love having a duty or task which you must perform for others - it adds to feeling useful. You feel like youre in a rut, whether its trouble with transportation, taking care of a sibling, or finding your place within a community you feel distant and far from fitting to your beliefs. Details about your life partner can be procured from this . * Juno Conjunct/trine Saturn Actor enjoyed Peleus company so much so that he not only absolved him, but gave him a third of his kingdom. negative aspects: you may attract people who like to use people - this could indicate sexual assault or manipulation. * Venus Sextile/Trine/conjunct Saturn Youre called to reassess the material world around you and what it is you value mostly life and yourself, and your sense of self worth and what makes you feel valuable to society. lucky you are rather attuned to your environment and have the ability to adjust accordingly. Bhva means sentiment or disposition. this could reflect those who medusa worked with in the athenian temple. trying one new thing a week - how do you know its the only thing that works if it took you this long to find it? you like medusa may explode emotionally when life takes a turn for the worse - some may even say you freeze people with your anger and sadness. my advice for surviving this retrograde: daily check-ins. on the non-writer side of things, i do tend to think very differently about what dating is versus what a relationship is (i think this is where my aphrodite-uranus aspect, juno in aquarius, and sagittarius venus really come into play). In female horoscope ,Jupiter afflicted by Saturn/Rahu/Ketu indicates inter caste marriage. Basic Synastry reading $80 (takes a lot of time): -a quick break down of both of your charts seperately, -how you both work together (5-10 aspect explanations), -what areas to work on together in the relationship, -inlcudes a basic description of the houses of the planets. It is not necessary that the house placement of 7th ruler must always indicate the environment or how you meet them. they may not like social functions finding them uncomfortable or anxiety-invoking. Physically, watch for issues with the heart and spine. This is a clean slate at living a life you can build for yourself and others, its essential to make the right choices. hear me out - persona charts. January 30, 2023. everyone mentioned (and every 800+ of you who followed my blog this year whom i have not mentioned but still adore) made my 2022 wonderful and helped me to expand my knowledge of astrology ;) heres to an incredible 2023 full of knowledge, love, wealth, and health! lastly, if you arent one of the these ask examples your safest bet is just asking - if there is a chart - give me the chart, if there is an example of what your question is related to send me a dm of where you found what you asking about (example: some times i get asks about other peoples astro observation posts - i ask to see the post), etc. For a more in depth understanding I recommend looking into finding your Rahu and Ketu in Vedic Astrology for more in depth and personal life path guidance. For example, a composite Mars in the 8th house can point to lots of sexual energy in the relationship along with jealousy and fear. 1h: you, like medusa, may have great hair, and, if you dont believe so, it may just be a bit wild and curly. please let know if you all enjoyed this - if you would like me to revisit any of the asteroids i have already covered and do something similar. The epic recounts a tale in which Telemachus searches for his father, Odysseus. 8h: lets get the triggering portion cleared - this is the house of sex and medusa was raped. you may be viewed as incredibly charming and graceful. Scientific and technological breakthroughs are on their ways, more efforts into research and organizations are essential. medusa-venus: you may feel safest when surrounded by your possessions, with feminines, at social events, and/or in romance, but these situations may cause you danger. IN MY OPINION Michelangelo in your chart represents a) how artistic you are, b) where you may set the standards for a trend, c) where you see the most reality in a situation, and/or d) where you have the potential to receive fame for something you create or do. you could be(come) a public figure adored by those who watch you in a self-nurturing environment. another very odd example is currency; even those who are famous with minor aspects between this asteroid and mars have been featured on coins! Fyodor Dostoevsky was a famous Russian writer. you may be prone to committing acts of violence when you find life unfair. EXAMPLES OF MARRIED COUPLES OF MYTH: a partner represented asteroid (listed above) at a fame/success degree (1, 2, 17, 28, 29), jupiter with venus attributes (ruled by libra or taurus or at those degrees (2, 7, 14, 19, or 26)), jupiter at a fame/success degree (1, 2, 17, 28, 29). where madhatter is for me and how it affects me personally:9h in sagittarius at 1 - lmao tell me this isnt true. aquarius (11, 23): youd be the medusa that athena had the right to be suspicious over. What does Venus in the 10th house indicate for a love marriage? This is what you expect from your soulmate, whether romantic or platonic. posts i love to reference that arent mine! i encourage you to look into the aspects of actor along with the sign, degree, and house placement. you may be the unspoken ruler/leader of your circle of people. Its minor planet designation is (3) Juno. #astrology on Tumblr He wrote many novels, short stories, essays, and articles. for the more advanced astrologers, take a look at the persona chart of hannibal AND/OR add the other characters involved to see how they support or impede hannibal! p.s. In astrology, it is associated with marriage, your spouse, and what you want in your family life. The Mad Hatter, or Hatter as he is referred to as in Lewis Carrolls novel,acts as a harbinger for Alice on her way through Wonderland. perhaps. all of this isin my opinion. sure thing, lets talk about it! possibly. you may be rather misunderstood in the social realm similar to medusa - everyone thought she was a goody-goody, a monster, manipulative, and other extremes you may find that your image gets misconstrued most through technology. orpheus (3361) - eurydike (75); in all the charts i looked at of married couples they have a positive aspect between these two asteroids the year they were proposed to. If you tie the knot during this time you'll thrive as individuals and not risk losing sight of yourselves. He is the host of the Tea Party and oftentimes provokes his guests. 6. *all of these observations are based on anatal chart- solar return and persona charts will change all these observations because the context is different*. Marriage Horoscope by date of birth is playing the most vital role in marriage as it is used in Creating Your Birth chart. i believe based on my whole chart whoever my mystical partner is is going to create some sort of fame or popular memory (my vertex is in the 7h too and conjunct all this lol (refer to lova reflection)). people who dont take care of themselves when they feel bad only drain themselves more in the long run - take care of yourself! If you have many of the asteroids listed forming strong harmonious aspects or conjunctions with planets such as the Sun, Venus, or Jupiter or placed in certain prominent houses like the 1st or 10th house, that can indicate positive outcomes related to that aspect of your life or talent. Exchange of signs between the 7th, 12th and 9th lord also increases the chances of marriage in foreign land. but do remember she is still an iconic figure even after she changes. medusa-algol: positive aspects: you may feel as though someone you dont know shows you a sign of mercy from the universe. if you think i go ham over astrology, you should see my crystal and geology textbooks (hella tabs and hella annotated). ALSO that it is the right birthday year - my bestfriend cass here has a birthday in september, so if she is curious about the year ahead 2022 is perfect BUT if she wants to reflect on the current solar return she has to change the start date year to 2021): ALWAYS ASK A QUESTION WHEN YOU SEND A CHART! i clearly would make a great philosophy major BUT my school doesnt have that. Saturn was in Cancer which falls in his 11th which is trine to 7th house. they may feel as though they too experienced a lot of unluckiness similar to JUPITER retrograde. Virgo (Saturn in the 6th house transit) - Saturn is bringing its hardships and lessons into your life through your work life, health, daily routine, exercise, and pets. you have such a deep, understanding personality that others cant help but feel safe at last in your arms. affirmations (youre smart, grades arent everything, you gave it your best, you tried today and youll try tomorrow, youre safe, etc.). * Composite Cancer personal planets after talking with the person who i needed to fix things with or getting the object mended - do i feel like this object/relationship was worth the time and energy expending? oddly, what i have noticed is virgo 7h solar returns lead to broken off engagements? in some versions, she repairs an abandoned temple of the wisdom goddess before perseus kills her. so find what works for you: counting and not looking works for me. * Pluto Conjunct the AC/MC you, like medusa, may have a sudden realization that the foreign environment you are in no longer feels safe in because of bad press. they may not feel like they are capable of standing up to others. Mercury is known as the "messenger of the gods" in astrology because it governs the day-to-day expression between people. So, the composite charts sun will be at the midpoint between Person As sun and Person Bs sun. my advice for surviving this retrograde: write down your thoughts and analyze during this retrograde, if its natal, OR after the retrograde ends, if its transit based. Cuckoos are very monotonous birds that repeat their calls on a loop schedule - its why they are used in clockwork. all that being said you may have an odd relationship with motherhood - whether it is your mother or you that caused distance is the big question. You may experience a reconstruction of your social circle, tightening up the standards of who you call a friend is essential so you dont find yourself being used for your resources, so struggling to create new friendships and finding yourself isolated is common during this time. Uniqueness is so important that they may adjust their opinions to deliberately conflict with others! Timing Of Marriage Via Astrology - THEVEDICHOROSCOPE.COM