First, at other times when Jesus speaks of the "age to come" (Mark 10:30; Luke 18:20, 20:35), or when his teaching implies the "age to come" (Mark 13:39-40, Matt. If I then, the Lord and the Teacher, washed your feet, you also ought to wash one anothers feet. We have the authority to love and serve others in His name because we have His power! Is deeds were the way to heave, the street of heaven would be empty. Otherwise, we will find ourselves outside the chamber where Jesus is when He arrives to summon the sick and sinners who need a Savior to repentance and forgiveness. View results. In the book of Numbers, it only shows up one time and that is in chapter 14. They were all in to follow their Teacher and Messiah and to commit to His lifestyle and purpose, and they had no reservations about doing so. However, many who are first will be last, and many who are last will be first. ToolsLuke 18:28-30 verse page>Luke 18:28-30 Behold, we have left our own homes and have come to follow You, Peter declared. (16th verse) While we will never be able to fully grasp God, His Spirit strengthens us (since we would never be able to accomplish it on our own) and provides us with His knowledge and insights. Although anybody can claim to be a Christian, Jesus defines believers as those who are His disciples. I love your commentary and teaching. 4:15). He didnt attach a slew of restrictions to His gift, which was refreshing. Key Word is Jesus had to pass the test that Adam failed in the Garden of Eden (Gen 2:1617; 3:16). Jesus was tempted but did not . Your email address will not be published. What is the difficulty level, What are some of the things that make it harder for you to follow Jesus, What is one thing you can do this week to begin following Jesus or to follow Him more closely. When we are saved, Gods Spirit touches us and convicts us of the need that we have for the Lord. Beware to teach who teaches false teachings, for he will lead you astray. Mark 8:34-37 verse page>Mark 8:34-37 verse page After that, He called for the crowds to gather around Him with His disciples and said to them, If anyone wishes to follow Me, he must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me. In other words, whoever wishes to save his or her life will lose it; however, whoever loses his or her life for My or the gospels sake will save it. That is how a person is reborn, or how a person is born from above (John 3:3-7). The book of Revelation ends, not with souls going up to heaven, but with the New Jerusalem coming down to earth, so that "the dwelling of God is with humans.". Blog, A He met the deepest longings of the human heart. As a matter of fact when God says something even once then that saying has a eternal significance but HE HIMSELF is repeating something 13 times it means HE wants to bring something to our close attention Following Jesus is not limited to passively believing in HIM but observing through scriptures how HE responded to different situations of HIS life especially the critical ones and then intently and attentively HE wants us to emulate HIS example and works .only then we would be able to inculcate within us HIS priceless Christlike attributes . That is because some searches on the Internet Bible boards only show exactly the word believe, while the search that I did shows it and the word of believeth as well because I was searching through the King James Bible. Here is the command that many Christians seem to forget from time to time. Come, follow me,Jesussaid, and I will send you out to fish for people., ThenJesussaidto his disciples, Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and followme., ThenJesussaidto his disciples, Truly I tell you, at the renewal of all things, when the Son of Man sits on his glorious throne, you who havefollow edmewill also sit on twelve Theres one thing youre lacking, he added. Satan has power, but Jesus has ultimate power over all creation. E Learn how your comment data is processed. Our faith does not have to be big (Matthew 17:20; Luke 17:6). He saved others; he cannot save himself. In this blog, I want to share with you my thoughts on how the Catholic faith affects our lives. Regardless of the difficult circumstances that may emerge, my trust in Jesus assures me that He is the Lord of my life. What does that mean? (Mark 10:52) "Go," said Jesus, "your faith has healed you.". We dont place our faith in a decision card, or in coming to the altar, or in accepting Jesus. We put our faith in God. An issue with answering this is that the Hebrew strongs concordance separates God from said. It is not an encouragement to submit to authority. All intellectual property rights are retained. To follow Christ, you must first come to know Christ, and only then will you be able to follow Him. we come unto Him we shall find rest unto our souls (Matthew 11:28-3). In the New American Standard Version (NASV), the word love is mentioned 348 times. He was followed by a large number of people, and He cured them all. Believing in Jesus does save your soul! God is the only One who knows that answer. While he is sober, he never goes to church and never reads his Bible, and his language appears to undermine his professed religious beliefs even when he is sober. Bibleword studies for sermon preparation, sermons, devotions, and personal Bible studies that are based on enduring principles and practical applications are available. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. If anybody had the most to lose by following Jesus, it was Matthew. H None of the gospels undid anything which was taught before Jesus came, in fact they affirmed it just as Jesus Himself did. Were you under the impression that Paul was crucified for you? Conversion is all about " Change of heart " . Other instances of Jesus referencing Genesis in the Gospels are: Matthew 22:21; Mark 12:17; Luke 20:25 mankind is in the image of God. It is those who have found their lives who will lose them, and those who have sacrificed their lives for My cause who will find them. Notice these observations by His disciples: Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness, and He was alone there for forty days, except for when the Devil came to tempt Him (Matt. TopicalBible In the New International Version (NIV), the word love is mentioned 551 times. Your life after accepting Jesus as your Savior doesnt require you to work out your salvation. When we embrace Jesus as the Messiah and as our personal Savior, we are free to leave behind the things of the past. Created By Roslyn Walter. We simply can not merely wish and believe that we will attain them someday without doing anything on our part . They reveal a lot about him. The familiarity of having rules to follow is appealing to the majority of people. Following Jesus entails following Him wherever He may take you. Theologically, this commandment is interpreted as dual to the Love of Christ for his followers. If you really knew me, you would know my Father as well. He was a law enforcer, and they were also law enforcers. They were Jewish tax collectors who collected taxes from other Jews on behalf of the Roman government. It is the first step toward a life of service to Him and in your sanctified life with Him. What was the significance of Jesus call to Matthew? Who is Jason crabb mother and where is she? What are the reasons behind this or that? However, Jesus invited sinners and nonbelievers to join Him in His mission. Which of you, when deciding to build a skyscraper, does not first sit down and calculate the cost to determine whether he has enough money to accomplish the project? Believe . He didnt insist that people modify their ways before doing so. Who are these individuals? If you know these things, you are blessed if you do them. The phrase follow me implied that you should be familiar with Jesus and what He expects of you. How many times is the word believe found in the Bible? 9. For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. In the book of Deuteronomy, the word only shows up one time in chapter one. Follow me! says Jesus to his followers even now. Followers of sme will never be in the dark, but will always have the light of life. Jesus stated this to point to the type of death that Peter would undergo in order to glorify God. My parents are Catholic believers. Because of their intimate association with the Romans, the religious authorities regarded tax collectors as unclean individuals. I hope that you will look at some of my other posts and let me know what you think of them. Belief doesnt and cannot come to someone without Gods grace touching your soul, your heart and bringing you to a point of realization that you truly NEED Jesus as your Savior! Islam's account of Jesus begins with a prologue narrated several times in the Quran which first describes the birth of his mother, Mary, and her service in the Jerusalem temple while under the care of the prophet Zechariah, who would become the father of Yahya (John the Baptist).The Quran's birth narrative of Jesus begins at Quran 19:16-34 and Q3:45-53. In the Old King James Version (KJV), the word love is mentioned 310 times. This commandment appears thirteen times in twelve verses in the New Testament. [38] This is the first and great commandment. On the back, you'll find an image of the Sacred Heart and two inscribed . I pray that my edits have cleared some of what my original post did not say correctly. How many times in the Bible did Jesus mention the word love? All of that was transformed because of Jesus. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light. No sin will keep you from God, and no amount of works will bring you to Him. We all have a part to play in Gods plan, some may have a small part and some may have a bigger part. Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him if a great millstone were hung around his neck and he were thrown into the sea. I think this is an awesome post. To take part in lesson one of this study, we ask you to look aside from the rules and decide to become a disciple of Christ in place of them. He who loves his life loses it, and he who hates his life in this world will keep it to life eternal. Routing number of commercial bank of Ethiopia? Faith and Not works is the difference between Jews and Christians. . However, for someone who had spent his whole life feeling hated, hearing Jesus call to follow him must have been a great experience! Why does belief or believe not show up any more than this? He didnt put on a brave front and pretend everything was OK. Respecting the rules makes us feel comfortable, confident in our activities, and optimistic in the likelihood of a favorable outcome. [40] On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets. Faith and forgiveness. Paul mentions Jesus Christ's name 230 times in the Bible. Jesus said Follow Me Is it possible for me to forgive like Jesus did? In response to this, he said: Followme!. Blessings! Was He endorsing Matthews life in some way? According to Jesus, we must weigh the consequences (Luke 14:28), but whoever loves his life loses it in this world, and whoever hates his life in this world will retain it for everlasting life (Matthew 10:36). Christians are numerous, yet because Christ stated Follow Me, what does it mean to Follow Me? Christ followers understand that no one has ever been hated as much as Jesus was, therefore If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hates you, they say, and that it has hated me before it hates you (John 15:18). The combination of the two words forms a directive that appears thirteen times in the Gospels. Jesus statement in Luke 10:18 speaks on the back story of Satan and the Lords defeat over the power of Satan. Lying is Satans primary weapon against Gods children. Nevertheless, the crowds realized what was going on and followed Him; and after greeting them, He started speaking to them about the kingdom of God and healing those who were in need of healing. The offer to follow is just an invitation to enter into a relationship with the other person. I wrote this six years ago and what I said was just about the number of times the word believe was in the Bible. He then says that this Word is Jesus! Im dealing with a few who believe works save, And I found this article. Belief in Jesus is the first step, accepting Him as your Savior is the second step, confession of your sins is another step along the road of becoming a Christian. He will, on the other hand, assist us in our gradual transformation into his likeness by the power of his Spirit and our desire. How many times does Jesus speak about love? Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. Although Peter did not comprehend all of Jesus words of everlasting life, he did possess the words of eternal life (John 6:68). 34 Mentions of Jesus in the Qur'an. Routing number of commercial bank of Ethiopia? For a period of time, I was in the lead, and I checked behind me every few minutes to make sure he was still there and following me. Have you ever encountered someone who is so confident in his own skin that he makes everyone around him feel confident as well? Never once did you hear Jesus refer to His followers as Christians; rather, he referred to them as his disciples, and when He referred to them as his disciples, He would frequently add, Follow Me. When Jesus came across Simon (also known as Peter) and Andrew his brother, who were casting a net into the water since they were fisherman, he was amazed. Now, by this, I mean that everyone of you is declaring, I am of Paul, and I am of Apollos, and I am of Cephas, and I am of Christ, and so forth. Here's what Jesus said about the freedom He offers: "If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free" (John 8:31-32). NIV translation of John 6:66-69. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. In Matthew 24, Jesus responded to the questions that the disciples asked of Him pertaining to "what would be the sign of his coming and the end of the world" with a warning that deception would be prevalent in the earth, especially religious deception. God is the One Who calls you to be saved through your belief in Jesus as your Savior. Show me the way, and Ill happily follow! In John 3:11, Jesus says, "We speak of what we know, and bear witness to what we have seen.". ToolsVerse page>John 13:12-17 So when He had washed their feet, and taken His garments and reclined at the table again, He said to them, Do you know what I have done to you? We need to be willing to exercise self discipline to mindfully pray for those attributes.immerse ourselves into studying the scriptures meditating on them and apply those intently and attentively when we come across different people and situations in our daily lives . Putting Christ First. Very many times the word believe is used in reference to the way to eternal life. We put in approximately 8 miles, which is a lot for us. Altogether, this totals to 191 times including variations. They say that Colton met Jesus, and not, say, Vishnu, Buddha, or Allah, not because Jesus really is divine, but because Colton had been raised a Christian, and Heaven takes on the form of the tradition the person who experiences it has been raised in. Because belief was and is necessary, along with faith, in the One that we should believe in, Jesus. However, everyone of us has a vital part to play in his grand scheme! Yet the decision for salvation is never called "repentance." . Jesus says or rather instructs us " Follow me " 13 times in Bible . Wil and his wife Ann are the parents of three adult daughters. The value of the words does not alter, however, because he only directly said love 13 times. For those who have a tendency to doubt such a great spiritual truth, Jesus goes on to say in the following verse, My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all; and no one is capable of taking them from My Fathers hand (v. Jesus invites sinners to come and follow Him. Your email address will not be published. Jesus knew this, and wanted us to understand the tricks the devil might use so we could arm ourselves with knowledge. One of the earliest indications that we have of the Jesus movement is what we tend to call "wandering charismatics," traveling preachers and prophets, who go on saying the kingdom of heaven is at . That is the only way we can respond to His call to Come and follow! He has issued to us.