Our arguments are That Mr. Piers Corbyn and Dr. Heiko Khoo are victims of discrimination and the deprivation of their rights under articles 10, 11 and 14 of the Human Rights Act 1998. When Keir Starmerannounced last weekthat his predecessor, Jeremy Corbyn, wouldnt stand as a Labour candidate at the next general election, he didnt know hisdeclaration would almost immediatelybe eclipsed by Nicola Sturgeons shock decision to quit asScotlands First Minister. If you would like to discuss to clarify we should do so ASAP, within the next week. Did you even bother to read what I said? It is time for the people of London to stand up to the global capitalist elites and their governments and stop this descent into dystopian madness. Khoo asked Hancock what evidence he based the narrative that asymptomatic transmission occurred and lockdowns slowed the spread of a virus: "The entire principles you started the lockdowns with, The problem you have with the IMT is a difference with a marxist cadre which operates a certain way. There has been a great split in Spain, some splits in the camp allied to Chavez (for, one has to credit, the noble reason of the anti-Ahmadinejad line in Socialist Appeal), and a dispute with the Pakistani national assembly member Manzoor Ahmed. In my honest opinion, the WIL US at least, is not even close to what the young Comrade Grant envisioned; and absolutely nothing Marx, Lenin or Trotsky would want anything to do with. I havent looked at the issues being disputed in Italy, Pakistan, Venezuela or Iran or if the factions are even moving in the same direction, and I havent compared this to the role of the IMT IS, and the positions it has taken over the last ten years. heiko khoo London, England, United Kingdom. Get recommendations for other artists you'll love. Khoo has been chased out of Speakers Corner on multiple occasions since December 2020 for orating in the designated Speakers Area of Hyde Park. The repression of the Sarah Everard vigil, of anti-lockdown protests and protests against the new police powers bill have no scientific justification based on public health. By that logic we could have just 100 highly educated cadres, and we would win the day. Once again you are talking fantasy not reality. It was fluid and made-up as the circumstances arrived. However, while we and all like us sit and read, and debate. Read Heiko Khoo's bio and find out more about Heiko Khoo's songs, albums, and chart history. In other places, the left had over the past few years, spurts of discontent, but nothing more. I posted the news about Khoo because it looks like it symbolises the undoing. As you may know, the IMT has its own democratically elected organs. You can do the math.. I work with therapists to navigate the deep waters of our consciousness through Sandplay, a process that creates a safe space for stories to come to life. It is of course acknowledged that the Judge cannot verify the claims of targeting and harassment except by an examination of extensive video footage of all these arrests and occasions of harassment and by examining internal documents and communications by the police. SEE VIDEOS HERE, Professor Dolores Cahill degree is in molecular genetics and her PhD is in immunology where she was using antibodies and making libraries to try and improve the outcomes in cancer. My Response: No it hasnt been my decision. View Full Profile; Overview 0 references Fluent in German, Spanish; learning Chinese (Simplified) 59, Male; This is not a cookbook we follow, and this is not a cookbook that we write. I WAS RECENTLY BANNED FROM THE WORKERS INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE US/ IMT PAGE. Piers has been targeted for arrest in a discriminatory fashion. The Silver Command was not told about this and was therefore unable to determine whether the situation was changing, and whether any action was needed. Study Psychological tactics, new forms of propaganda, Enhanced Computer strategys, etc. Suite 3262. I'm typing this in my hotel room in Washington DC as I prepare to head out to the dreaded Dulles Airport to fly back to the UK later tonight. Vast swathes of London are now full of abandoned corporate buildings. In his psychology and method of action the Jesuit of the heroicperiod distinguished himself from an average priest as the warrior of a church from its shopkeeper. The Government and the Mayor of London claimed to be guided by the science. Subscribe (1782) Anything we can do, we must do to stop these Pharma Companies getting away with murder. As Mayor I would hold an inquiry into this and other incidents of political policing. Willsy & Christopher Carrion are joined by Dr Heiko Khoo and Pavlo Domitrashchuk to discuss the situation in Ukraine, plus updates on the German health insurer data and Tom Macondlad's recent censorsh. This conflicts with the Human Rights Act, which guarantees freedom of expression and freedom from discrimination. On one occasion he was chased by dozens of police for reading from a speech by Lord Sumption on the Coronavirus from 20 October 2020. His Video. Its history goes back to Ted Grant who was a leader of the militant wing inside the Labour Party until a split occured with those who wanted to continue to operate from inside the Labour Party parting ways with the side that eventually went off to form the Socialist Party in 1992. This means empowering the people to challenge state and corporate power. Heiko initially supported a 3-week shutdown as it appeared that SARS-COV-2 was a totally new virus, which nobody had immunity to. You can easily tell by the fact that ONLY the west side had graffiti. He writes the blog China Reporting which the last post on it (here) is said to be the one which has got him into hot water with the leaders of the IMT. However, Like John Dillinger, if we gain the support of the masses through deeds of action, we can covertly play a shadow war. From the back of the crowd a few missiles were thrown. 4 March, 2010, The conversation which has developed is mostly sympathetic epiphets and chatter about the international, but one fellow activist who is determined not to let this go is Sofia Papakonstantinou who mentions that. So this is why I have taken an interest in the IMT internal affairs (as well as having IMT acquaintances and being a frequent attendee of Hands of Venezuela events), and possibly why Dave is also interested. The growing Fascist have their militants. Great British Menu. Dr. Heiko Khoo challenges Neil Ferguson at the 2021 Annual Sowerby Lecture. P 31. Heiko Khoo Ejected From Speakers Corner London. This practice of detaining people and issuing them with a FPN but not initiating court proceedings endows the police with a blanket excuse to detain anyone. Heiko Khoo has studied Marxist ideas for 33 years. Mr Corbyn has been arrested 11 times in the past year for breaches of Coronavirus rules, often being detained at police stations for up to 23 hours. At least nothing the Capitalist States can not handle. His beliefs should play no role in the way that the police treat him. If you do not write, then you, by your own words, admit that you are stuck in a circle of outdated Dogma, unwilling to change, regardless of consequences. This afternoon, he announced hes standing in the new constituency of Mid & South Pembrokeshire/Canol a De Sir Benfro. 515-643-5100. A brief stop at a pub to regain strength was all what was need it. I dont entirely understand the defense you are putting up; perhaps you are not understanding my point that whether it is the chosen way in which we as individuals choose to pursue our political beliefs or not, the current undoing of the IMT will affect far left politics in this country, and some conclusions will be offered on whether the split in the Labour partys militant arm was correct or not. This appears to be ongoing, or he remains an individual of special attention to police intelligence because of his political views and deeds. Dr. Heiko Khoo challenges Neil Ferguson at the 2021 Annual Sowerby Lecture. While the DDR was flawed, the Germans today feel they lost more then they gained. While Grant laid the foundations, I do not believe in his last years he realized his method was not working or making any impact whatsoever. We therefore resolve that Heiko Khoo is expelled from ourranks with immediate effect. But he has been arrested on 6 occasions since 1 November and subject to harassment, intimidation and arrest by the police at Speakers Corner and elsewhere. So much time, Michael? The Majority of East Germans didnt give the wall much attention. In WW1, every nations military geniuses, their cadres of war. In its spirit, everything Im talking about is not only feasible, but patriotic in its old sense. Jonathan L Trapman is an author, creative writer and photojournalist who has spent the better part of his 45 odd years in public life, learning from his personal experiences, sharing them, listening to others, whose lives have allowed him to open his own mind to a beauty, even within horror, that is transforming and empowering. Marxist cadres capable of leading the proletarian revolution are trained only by the continual and successive working out of problems and disputes. Trotsky, A revolution is made directly by a minority. Trotsky, I advocated the forming of a new Red Guard. Paramilitary volunteer formations consisting majorly of factory workers and partially of soldiers. Which is surprising; youd think a group of Marxists inside Labour would have quickly turned themselves into a focal point for resistance to New Labour. And on 27 February 2021 while working as a journalist. If your not willing to get in the mud, and fight the fight; you are an albatross around the neck of change. Heiko Khoo Let London Live candidate Central West-London. More information. In the HMICFRS report on the vigil police chiefs and officers on the ground make numerous statements about their views of public health dangers, but they provide no evidence to justify these claims. to receive updates from Dr. Roz . These attacks on the International have been deliberately introducedinto the public domain, where they are being used by our enemies, toblacken the name of the International. Hardly a lot of time. Spouse. Breaking windows, and kidnapping in most cases will only turn the masses against us. We are seeking an injunction against prohibitions on people speaking in the Speakers Area of Hyde Park and which instructs the police to allow Dr. Khoo and Mr. Pier Corbyn to speak on 24 April and 1 May in Hyde Park and to use amplification to address those in the area. The violence in the evening was entirely initiated by the police. On any given day, I am speaking to a group of therapists overseas or in the US about the meaning of symbolic play, putting the finishing touches on my book about the Heroine . Today the situation is as different as the English Revolution is. Also, in many circles of Liberals, while they openly dont support the ALF, they gladly support the Urban Terrorism surrounding them. Children. Bio. If the possibliites are as brilliant as you say they are on your part,what are you losing? 4 March, 2010. The FDJ is even still alive and active. Aetna Medicare Advantage. The right has been using the latter for decades, why should we not exploit it? Home "Return to Bomb Alley 1982 - The Falklands Deception" On the 40th Anniversary of the Falklands Conflict. Heiko Bernard Khoo Address, Related People and Companies. This is the police interview of Dr Heiko Khoo who was arrested at Hyde Park for playing the Benny Hill theme tune during a gathering at Hyde Park. You didnt actually address a single point, however you did assert many I didnt say, and responded to these phantoms. Unlike you, I have made very serious and dangerous enemys within the AR community in Florida. Dr Heiko Khoo Has His Say! Dr Khoo has been speaking at Speakers Corner Hyde Park since 1985 and am the producer of the Speakers Corner radio show. But it is altogether unworthy to look upon a fanatic warrior with the eyes of an obtuse and slothful shopkeeper. A revolution is change, one that not only requires sacrifice of the mind in study, but also of risk and danger. But lets be clear: no one has expelled you from the WIL, this has been entirely your decision. For Questioning Doctrine, and Advocating change. Stanford university professor John Ioannidis has criticised the predictions from the mathematical modelling from UK government advisor Neil Ferguson and deemed them "substantially flawed" These predictions formed the data responsible for the COVID measures in both the UK and USA. There is extensive video footage in the public domain that shows the police singling Mr Corbyn out for arrest and harassment on multiple occasions. 6/30/2012. Trotsky new this, and studied it extensively, for his day. Raincoat Optimism adler@gigemail.net, Heiko Khoo does have a history of doing things like this though, i knew him years ago and if he is still as he was then then he must still be his usually selfish self obsessed person he always was, i have never known khoo to do anything selfless and it appears he is still very much like that. In split or unity, the IMT is utterly irrelevant where Im based. In reality, it is perfectly justified and normal to ask what on earth has happened to our city and our world? by Mr Piers Corbyn and Dr. Heiko Khoo against the Commissioner of Police for the Metropolis. More details and particulars of the claim to follow. Coronavirus: What Britain can Learn from China. The reality, I think, is that the strains of zigzagging on political positions were telling and being exacerbated in a period of rising pressure on the working class and socialist activists. Dr. Roz Heiko. 6/30/2012, The Jesuits represented a militant organization, strictly centralized, aggressive, and dangerous not only to enemies but also to allies. We have exposed every aspect of virology and it is clear that the virus model is not supported by University of Southern California (USC), Keck School of Medicine (1995) 1245 Wilshire Boulevard Suite 717 Los Angeles, CA 90017. Professor Neil Ferguson (known commonly as 'Professor Lockdown' and a former member of SAGE guilty of advising the government on their criminal policy of unconstitutional lockdowns) is challenged by an attendee at the King's College Sowerby Lecture. The Irish Taoiseach podcast will examine the life and political career of each of the 15 men who have held the office of Taoiseach (Prime Minis [], This article first appeared in the Daily Telegraph. This was untrue.Instead, public funds were allocated on a vast scale to private sector companies, run by cronies and lobby groups linked to the government. The same thing is happening to all of us. That Mr Corbyn and Dr Khoo have been explicitly targeted by police officers at Speakers Corner and at other rallies and events, and have been subject to harassment, intimidation and illegal detention for their political views. Without parliamentary or press scrutiny, policy not only lost touch with its partisan scientific advice, but also with reality itself. According to him on his facebook page, he: exposed the inability of the leadership to research and investigate the facts and explain developments from a Marxist standpoint [] The inability of the leadership to respond to Marxist analysis led them to begin a campaign against me over a year ago which has finally culminated in my explusion. Get involved in Let London Live call 07722 523629 or email heikokhoo@gmail.com. Heiko Khoo expelled from the International Marxist Tendency ? Marx in London Every Sunday 11am - 1pm (approx) Piccadilly Circus. He recently finished his PhD which examines China's social system and political economy using Marxist theory. The International has the right to defend itself against sabotage andprovocation. SEE VIDEOS, Chris Martenson, PhD (Duke), MBA (Cornell) is an economic researcher and futurist specializing in energy and resource depletion, and co-founder of PeakProsperity.com - SEE VIDEOS HERE, A Greek-American physician-scientist + writer who has made contributions to evidence-based medicine, epidemiology, and clinical research - Ioannidis criticized the lack of informed decision-making to the COVID-19 pandemic, calling it a "once-in-a-century evidence fiasco." On the occasions Ive seen Alan Woods speak he has always been very adamant of his work from within the Labour Party, and his utilisation of entryism, as well as being scornful of his dismissal (he told an audience at the Venezuelan embassy that he had been removed from the party in the Blair era). Whether Heiko Khoo is conscious or not, such activities are indistinguishable from the work of a provocateur who seeks to destroythe organization from within. Her article, "Wonder: The Key . Patron: https://www.patreon.com/bePatron?c=1177998To Donate To The C.O.E Bentley Fund!https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick\u0026hosted_button_id=2GLEQYF6DXNH4 and fake news. Ill just re-state it here. Eclectics live by means of episodic thoughts and improvisations that originate under the impact of events. On the contrary these events are far less likely to lead to the transmission of SARS-COV-2 or COVID-19 than any enclosed setting. Draft of Claim . Success! We recognise that the Appeal Court found against Dolan and the Everard judgement by Justice Holgate deemed Covid-19 to be a public health crisis that is so severe as to justify restrictions on multiple articles of the Human Rights Act 1998. I do not claim this of the IMT as a whole; Vonk, Der Funke, The Struggle, etc, are all far and away superior to the US. Ive got to be done with this. All those pretty pictures of thousands smashing through, and pulling down sections; that was the west side of the wall, and west Germans doing it. However, I will say one thing. Anyone who has watched the actual footage live streamed from these events and the videos of what happened will be compelled to admit that the actions of the police were a deliberate provocation. The search is based on data from the full 2011 data-taking period, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 4.7 fb . And we request an injunction against any interference against our election rallies on 24 April and 1 May at Speakers Corner, Hyde Park. So, orders to stay at home were the exact opposite of what the evidence showed was required. Dr. Larry Teik-Man Khoo, MD (9 Ratings) Specializes in: Neurosurgery. For the record, I dont have a Branch. One was slowly forming until blank rudely and summarily expelled or removed two members in my state, one again leaving me alone. The coronavirus crisis concealed a global power grab by finance, tech and Pharma giants. In this episode of the Patrick Henningsen Show on TNT Radio airing on August 9, 2022, Patrick speaks with political activist and commentator, and free speech advocate, Heiko Khoo, about the heavy hand of the state during the pseudo p However, the HMICFRS report titled The Sarah Everard vigil states of the speech A man (whom we now believe to be an associate of Mr Corbyn) was attempting to address the crowd by shouting at them from the bandstand using words to the effect of police are oppressing us, they are murderers. DRAFT OF THE INTERIM INJUNCTION ORDER SOUGHT, Skeleton Argument of the Claimants Yes Im surprised too Dave, but furthermore other words on the street suggest things are strengthening (things were always quite in Italy for example) and owing to the divide in south america between populist and hard leftist elements, the IMT are wooing the Chavistas all around, not to mention the existing success (loose use) in Pakistan. 155 Main Street East Lower Level Grimsby Ontario L3M 1P2 Phone: (905) 945-5476 Gender: Male Accepting New Patients: Login to View Languages Spoken: Login to View Specialty: Login to View All that ended in Gettysburg July 1-4 1863. We request that the Commissioner provide details of the undercover police who were in that crowd when the missiles were thrown and explain their role. He failed badly, and continued to fail until the end in 1865. Your email address will not be published. When the revolution was actually happening, no one was looking up what to do, or debating. IEC Resolution on the Expulsion of HK document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Word on the ground is that the IMT is collapsing from the inside out. There is little or no evidence to support the contention that open air events, gatherings pose any significant risk to public health. Following Dr Khoos speech at least 80 officers arrived to chase Mr Corbyn and a few hundred people out of the Speakers Corner Area. The harassment has continued even after he declared his candidacy in the Mayoral election in London. Over the past 5 years, he liaised extensively with PC Steve Barnes from the Hyde Park Police to encourage, foster and promote the Speakers Corner tradition of free speech, democracy and a community of difference where divergent views are welcome. It's hard to believe that we are now over three years into the COVID-19 fraud. Speakers Corner 8th March 2020. The police assaulted multiple people men and women as they marched straight into the crowd. If we dont combine past events with modern tactics, we will fail at the critical moment. The police had been watching that music event for at least an hour without taking any action. If youre not a member of the tendency, its no skin off your nose. Following the events in Clapham Common, Dr Khoo reported himself and the Duchess of Cambridge to the police online for the crime of attending an illegal gathering the prohibited Sarah Everard vigil. Unverified Profile. I think its fascinating that while, on the one hand, you view us as a group of people with grandiose ideas as to our importance, that you spend so much time dithering over our internal affairs. If you give me a land line or a payphone number I can call you. Real people. Heiko is well-known orator at London's Speakers' Corner and produces the weekly Speakers' Corner radio show for Resonance fm. 1 talking about this. On each occasion although FPNs for breaching coronavirus rules were issued, no court process has been initiated by the Crown. The demonstration that began and ended in Speakers Corner of between 200-500k people was a protest for Freedom and against Vaccine passports and Medical Apartheid. I really cant go into any more details of the strategys I have had in mind. Thats an Oxymoron. The fact that the police are explicitly exempt in law from wearing such coverings when on duty begs the question, on whose advice, and based on what public health evidence did the police commanders request or require officers to wear face-coverings? Im not bothered. I ADVOCATED THIS: Signed The Let London Live candidate for the Central/West constituency Dr Heiko Khoo had just finished a speech about his election and witnessed the events first hand. Goodbye. Revolutions are messy, not Romantic. Video of letter delivery at New Scotland Yard. First Name. Marxist cadres capable of leading the proletarian revolution are trained only by the continual and successive working out of problems and disputes. Trotsky. Heiko Khoo is a radio producer specialising in documenting public opinion. Heiko has prepared a comprehensive document explaining the events of the last year, which you can find on www.unmask.org.uk, Heiko Khoo Speaking in Speakers Corner 24 April 2021, Heiko protests in Google/Youtube HQ in London against censorship. The lack of evidence-based Covid public health decision-making by the. This is particularly true for those suffering from the non-communicable diseases which interact badly with covid-19. These acts were conducted by police officers and authorities and deprived the claimants of their rights under the Human Rights Act sections 10, 11 and 14. Rachel Khoo ( Chinese: ; born 28 August 1980 [1] [2]) is a British cook, author, and broadcaster who has hosted and co-hosted television cooking shows on the BBC, Food Network, and Netflix. He has lodged many complaints to the IPOC about this, but not one has made any concrete progress. I could be totally wrong about all of this its based on hints, fragments of history and guesswork all fed through a cynicism born from filtering out the natural pomposity of socialist intellectuals and grandiose claims of their groupuscules. Piers Corbyn the Mayoral candidate of Let London Live said: On Friday 23 April, I and Dr Heiko Khoo applied for a High Court Injunction against the Commissioner of Police to prevent violence against people exercising their right to free speech, protest and assembly in Speakers Corner on Saturday 24th April.. But then youre asking us, as those who arent active members of the IMT, to shut our eyes because it doesnt affect us. Youre assuming that the IMT has a far greater role to play if only if would do away with its old guard, members of which have personalities that you dont care for as authoritarian etc. Aetna. The International has the right to defend itself against sabotage andprovocation. No matter how much you read, you will never gain the upper hand, because the US WIL is completely inflexible, and in a number of ways hypocritical.