'I was crushed I'd just built a house. Then follow up and do the right thing: compensate the Jones family. These journalists have spent several full days in Nov/Dec 2022 with Vic preparing for their book (soon to be published) that they are currently writing on the failure of justice for Vic. Multi million dollar lawsuit they are trying to manage I hope they find peace from this nightmare soon. Mr Jones was 25 when he met 20-year-oldParkinson in Canberra in 2011. This is why it took a female officer to review the evidence objectively because she was not charmed and p****whipped by that despicable woman. It was the discovery of their affair that led Jones to break off his engagement with Parkinson, and White and his other crooked cop mates were right in there, helping Parkinson try to destroy Jones and his family. On assualt Charges. As much as I am appalled by Sarah Jane Parkinson ,I am more appalled by the actions of all the Police services and the prosecution system. 'It really has been a six year nightmare that will never be repaired.'. It is a legal system not a justice system. I dont usually have a say on Facebook but this really made me fear for our justice system. daniel jones sarah jane parkinsoncabo marina slip rates. You may remember that Parkinson was sent to prison in January for false rape allegations she made against Dan Jones. Then Dan Jones Story was published. DS Alexander added: Sarah destroyed that family. She would turn up to work with self-inflicted bruises and marks and claimed that Daniel had assaulted her. What happened to this family is appalling, disgusting and they must be compensated. 'Last week the perpetrator of this crime, Sarah Jane Parkinson, was sent to prison for three years for false rape accusations and faking a crime scene,' the page, posted in January says. To improve your experience. Their accuser, Sarah Jane Parkinson was sentenced to 3 years and 1 month with a minimum period of 2 years non-parole. The young woman, who the Jones' described as 'clumsy', would turn up to work with self-inflicted bruises and marks. In 2014, Daniel Jones was charged with 32 domestic violence charges including the violent rape of his partner Sarah Jane Parkinson. It is them versus society. Give them back some of their dignity. Poor family really is horrible what they went through being put in a Max prison why has this not been investigated properly? Daniel Jones, 31, spent five months in Goulburn prison, 195km south-west of Sydney, in 2014 after his then-fiance made an emergency call to police claiming she'd been savagely raped, Mr Jones has now found love again, but his family say his family are still struggling after spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on legal fees. Jones, a former Australian Federal Police dog handler,. Having seen Dan Jones in Perth WA in the last year, Im intrigued and interested. sarah mcmullen dan jones There were a few little things but nothing where you'd go, 'bloody hell, she's a nutbag!'". If you live in this community, do something! Then the cops from that departmentall scum. My suggestion would be, to enforce the maximum sentence that the falsely accused wouldve been subject to! This is horrendous and thank God for the amazing female detective who discovered this womans lies. But this is a saga for another day. We are no longer accepting comments on this article. But shortly after moving in, Mr Jones' life began to unravel. From the VIC Parliament, check out s164 (4) and (5) of the Evidence Act (VIC) amended with these sections by VIC Parliament in 2014. 60 Minutes airs this Sunday at 8.30pm on Channel 9. There is no mention by this girl in the transcript of Vic doing anything to her. Well said and thanks for the honesty and integrity of your response. BETTINA ARNDTs update on the infamous Sarah Jane Parkinson case of false rape accusations, and its ongoing damage. Unfortunately, the Radical Feminism movement has this so stitched that unless a story is this bad or a man is deliberately killed in a vicious premeditated manner, the story wont even be run in mainstream media let alone restitutions paid. If Sara were lying because she was mentally ill or something, maybe Id feel more forgiveness towards her, but she was manipulative and shallow, and her lack of empathy is perhaps even more disturbing than her false accusations. Shes evil personified. This story is so sickening, it is a sordid affair and shows the ineptitude of the police and the entire judicial system. Ive emailed using the link, urging a prosecution of this case. Your email address will not be published. Add to that the States dodgy Supreme Court judges, then this States justice department, though I do make an exemption for the honorable Justice Brett. They just want Justice. Now on #60Mins | Sex, lies and police tape | When Daniel Jones met These sections are so unfair to an accused, and the VIC parliament knows it is unfair. A big Beckham birthday! Who Is Sarah Jane Parkinson New Husband? - Vim Buzz Test your knowledge by naming all 20 of these famous films. Male officers should never be allowed to investigate these cases. Detective Sergeant Alexander said it was clear Parkinson had lied - and it made her question what else she had been dishonest about. The hearing was put off due to the Covid lockdowns and now the case looks likely to be heard in November. The ACT Police are corrupt. They are a brotherhood. Moment British man is arrested at Colombian airport as he tries to fly to London with 23 kilos of cocaine Do YOU know your Adam and Eve from your Ruby Murray? Daniel Jones, 31, said authorities blindly believed the woman's allegations against him, Australia's "60 Minutes" reported this week. As sad as it is, youre right to keep your boys informed. jones mountain twin vs capita mercury. While in prison, Vic showed me 3 letters he had received (at different times) from the girl apologising for lying to the court. The designated villain in Canberran society is the caucausian male, especially if they do not espouse to far left tendencies. On one occasion, she alleged she had been driven off the road by a man wielding a steak knife but police were able to prove the weapon belonged to a set she owned. It is a shame doesnt the law allow the family to sue the State or police department for such a horrible injustice? Parkinson got a job atQueanbeyan Police as a clerical assistant andbegan feeding her colleagues lies about her partner. Everything was going right and in that instant everything just went to s***.. Daniel Jones, 31, spent four-and-a-half months in Goulburn prison, 195km south-west of Sydney, in 2014 afterhis then fiancee Sarah Jane Parkinson made 32 horrific allegations against him. There was no physical evidence, no admissions, no other evidence whatsoever, just the false testimony of this girl. Mr Jones was transferred to Goulburn maximum security prison for five months while police investigated multiple false allegations. NSW Police officer who lied to support fake rape claim found guilty of The Australian story of Sarah J. Parkinson and Daniel Jones is bone chilling. I came back to Australia to resolve the matter, and found that Red Brick Walls, went up. revlon flex conditioner review; is frankenstein 1931 movie public domain; daniel jones sarah jane parkinson No cross examination took place of the complainant and the two other protected witnesses. sarah mcmullen dan jones. Case of Sarah Jane Parkinson and Daniel Jones show dangerous anti-male Part of the Daily Mail, The Mail on Sunday & Metro Media Group. Yet he was charged 12 months later (in 2013), when she made allegations to Victoria Police against Vic, claiming the alleged event took place on a date (before the 2012 interview with the counsellor). I went to police but they failed me badly, not even making a report even though I was black and blue with major head contusions. This case is not even known by most people in the ACT. I just cant find the words to fit the evil in this person, And her new love is just as bad, If theres any justice they will be put in a straight line and shot with one bullit, scum like this belongs on a pond, and thats where they should throw the bodys. Sara even lied and told police that Dan was raping and molesting his own daughters, so she had no shame whatsoever. If any I MEAN ANY EFFORT would have been made to verify the claims falsely made against mr Jones they would have been found to be lies from the start.The work that miss Alexander did that ultimately led to the accuser admitting she had fabricated the entire story should have been done 6 YEARS PRIOR and the jones familys,not to mention plenty of money on your end from being COMPLETELY WASTED.4 months in a SUPER MAX PRISON with the worst criminals you can find as a former c/o WHEN YOU ARE AN INNOCENT WORKING PRODUCTIVE MEMBER OF HIS COMMUNITY. Usually, the crooked police are the ones holding high rank, thats how it is in Tasmania. I was a petite five foot two woman and he was significantly larger and stronger. The jones family spent 600 k to defend against these lies with assistance from a corrupt police officer. It also seems that he was a part of her lies. Ive since seen the houses, they are all using to ABUSE MY RIGHTS. Yeah, Im also apparently Insane, and even though Ive been battered, bruised and insulted. A sealed envelope, a secret instruction? The fact that she is still with her lover says alot about him. Wheres the medical evidence to support claim of rape? He ran to police and told them I was a lying nutter who was trying to destroy his life and that Id bitten his hand for no reason. Murdaugh is heckled as he leaves court, Ken Bruce finishes his 30-year tenure as host of BBC Radio 2, Missing hiker buried under snow forces arm out to wave to helicopter, Hershey's Canada releases HER for SHE bars featuring a trans activist, Insane moment river of rocks falls onto Malibu Canyon in CA, Fleet-footed cop chases an offender riding a scooter, Family of a 10-month-old baby filmed vaping open up. Emma Holsty, who is related to Mr Jones, said the family is attempting to recover since losing 'hundreds of thousands of dollars' it cost in legal fees to fight for his innocence and freedom. Required fields are marked *, Please send me an email when you publish new articles. As important as it is that we believe women when they come forward with allegations, we must also consider the facts and evidence of the case. The 60 minute segment mentioned something about her wanting the money but I dont believe that to be true. EXCLUSIVE: Florence Pugh's father is threatened with 2,500 fine as he goes to war with council over Oxford 60 Minutes: Daniel Jones sent to jail after being wrongly accused of rape by fiancee - Australia news, Do not sell or share my personal information. I have lost all faith in the Victorian legal system but continue to fight for my innocence to be upheld. Police officer or not hes corrupt and should have to serve a sentence like anyone else would, Your email address will not be published. What happened to Victims of Crime. Test your knowledge by naming all 20 of these famous films. I am extremely saddened by the fact that Dans Mum and Dad are now divorced, only because of this case , they are both good people . The idea that he had time to pin her against a wall while also unwrapping a condom was silly enough, but the photos of himself with his nephew should have tipped off police anyway to the idea that maybe Saras story needed to be examined more closely. I highly recommend his book. I saw a 60 minutes minutes episode about this on YouTube and Im shocked on how the hell she can get away with not just destroying 1 but 2 innocent families. Its very important these people are aware of community concern about the Jones case which has exposed bias and incompetence in the ACT justice system. Their mental anguish will never, ever go away. Never should she have be released. Parkinson alleged her iPad was stolen when her house was robbed and said she had tracked it to the Jones' house. Vindictive woman sent her fiance to Australia's toughest jail for This woman AND the local PD are pure evil! The picture of Dan Jones with his newborn nephew proved to be a solid alibi when Sarah Jane Parkinson claimed her partner had attacked and sexually assaulted her. How this loving family photo cleared innocent rape suspect - The Sun When questioned by police, Mr Jones was adamant he had never been violent towards Parkinson but taking her word against his, police backed Parkinson. Emma Holsty, who is related to Mr Jones, said the family is attempting to recover since losing 'hundreds of thousands of dollars' it cost in legal fees to fight for his innocence and freedom. According to Ian Jones, Daniel's father, "there's nothing I look back on and think, 'Maybe I should have probed deeper'. The mental strain on himself and family members that led to the demise of a 30 plus year marriage.Those are just a few of the reasons why this family is OWED its more than money if you ask me but the very least you should do to attempt to make it right is to make them whole again.You should double what they put out to prove their sons innocence but thats another issue for another time.BUT THE MAIN REASON YOU SHOULD PAY THIS FAMILY IS BECAUSE AFTER ALL THEY WENT THROUGH BECAUSE OF YOUR POLICE DEPARTMENTS MISCARRIAGE OF JUSTICE OF SO MANY LEVELS,SHE GETS 2 YEARS IN JAIL AND THE POLICE DONT EVEN GET ANY REPERCUSSIONS?? Dan Jones went to prison, it seems on the word of SJP , with , it appears no investigation and no evidence , how can this be. The unfair trial forced upon me resulted in false imprisonment of myself by a judge who clearly not only had the appearance of bias but made so many errors, always giving the prosecution an unfair advantage, that there are scores of examples to establish actual biased against me. Everything was going right and in that instant everything just went to s***.'. Mr Lewis was never charged over the allegations as there was no case, but the family suffered emotional torment at the hands of Parkinson. Sarah-Jane Parkinson, 28, was on Thursday sentenced to more than three years in jail in the ACT Magistrates Court for the false claim made in 2014, in which she went as far as to stage a crime scene. Mr Jones has now found love again, but his family they are still struggling after spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on legal fees. I feel ashamed to be Australian when I read this horror case. And ACT authorities have endlesslysidesteppedresponsibility, avoiding the issue of anex-gratiapayment for the family as compensation for Dan Jones wrongful imprisonment. The young couple quickly made plans to marry and Daniel even built them a home so they could live together. We are no longer accepting comments on this article. Daniel, as a former prison officer, had to be kept in isolation away from other inmates at Australias tough Goulburn jail. How can the public have any faith in the DPP, AFP or ACT police. From the moment they first met at their workplace in Canberra, the couple's relationship moved fast. Thank you for taking the time to read this; and I apologise for the length of this contribution. It is happening here in Victoria too as I know from first hand personal experience. A big Beckham birthday! Then the conflict of interest of failing to declare a relationship with officer White? Detective Sergeant Alexander proved Parkinson to be a compulsive liar, beginning with a timestamped social media photo that showed he wasn't at the scene of what his fiancee claimed was a brutal sexual assault. My heart aches for the beautiful Jones family, and I was so devasted to learn that the parents ended up divorcing all because of this evil person! She said that people at her school falsely thought her father was a rapist for ten years. Man who spent five months in prison after ex-fiance falsely accused In a whirlwind romance, the young couple quickly made plans to marry andMr Jones even built a house so they could live together. But the calculated story Sarah Jane Parkinson made up to ruin Mr Jones life would finally fall apart, thanks to a remarkable detective who found Parkinson had set out to destroy Mr Jones and his family. clearly he was wrongfully accused the family should get back everything they spent PLUS the guy should get 5 months worth of work money he missed out on due to being in prison. You and I can not understand that logic, but it is a real motive for these lies. For more information on 60 Minutes, visit the. A picture of Mr Jones kissing a blonde woman was posted to Facebook in February and was captioned 'Happy Valentines Day to my amazing Dan' with a love heart emoji. I made a video with Dan and Sixty Minutes did a whole programme on her outrageous attempt to destroy Dan and his family. Daniel Jones was charged with 32 domestic violence charges including the violent rape of his partner Sarah Jane Parkinson. 'I'd just built a house and she'd moved in with me, everything was going well,' he told 60 Minutes in an upcoming interview. Falsely accused man blames 'vindictive' fiancee for time behind bars I was charged! Narcissists are truly the evil of the world and the more stories we expose of these stains on society, the better off our world will be. Sarah Jane Parkinson was shipped off jail subsequent to making misleading assault and brutality allegations against her ex, Dan Jones. I hope that ultimately this family receive the justice they deserve and I hope the same for the Whites. From my observations many policemen (as well as other para and military men) are extremely gullible, sexually insatiable and partial towards stories told by flirtatious women. (60 Minutes) In 2011, when 25-year-old Jones met 20-year-old Sarah Jane Parkinson, it was love at first sight. Parkinson has never faced cross-examination, even at her own trial. This family needs immediate restitution of all that they lost monetarily. I dont understand why Dan was sent to prison, wrongfully, for a period of time much longer than Sarah Jones Parkingson who had been confirmed by Leesa Alexander to be a serial liar and obvious abuser of the system ? Of course he will evade whatever. Within just a few short months, Daniel and Sarah were engaged as the pair began building their own home and planning their wedding. Daniel Jones, 31, spent five months in Goulburn prison, 195km south-west of Sydney, in 2014 after Sarah Jane Parkinson, his then fiancee, made false allegations that he had raped an. Why hasnt those families been compensated ? One example, s357 of the Criminal Procedure Act VIC judge in my trial ignored his non discretionary duty to order protected witnesses be cross examined by a Legal Aid funded barrister with or without my input. 'As far as I was concerned and what the evidence showed is [Mr Jones] wasn't responsible for any of it. But the AVO was just the beginning of a harrowing ordeal that Mr Jones says ruined his life, devastated his family and took everything from him. This is a horrific case involving a loving, decent, law-abiding family running into a purely evil woman. But the WA Police have arrested me, instead. Write by: . There are women out there wholl abuse the kindness and sympathy of others for their own selfish gain, no matter who it drags down. daniel jones sarah jane parkinson. I'd just built a house and she'd moved in with me, everything was going well, Mr Jones tells 60 Minutes reporter Liz Hayes in an exclusive sneak peek.