= LOVE, LIFE, LOYALTY.M = MONEY, MACC, MURDER.N = NOW, NEVER.O = OUR,OPPOSING.P = POWER.Q = QUEENR father?JacobWho is your mother?Mother nature Why did Hooover cross tha scared road of Jacob?To die in DA CRIP POMEASHES 2 ASHESDUST Violet light is actually scattered even a bit more strongly than blue. DieWuts up?6 flaggin5 dragginHow long you been with the C?Since day oneHow long you been a Crip?day bacc407-milk401-srt8 loCC403-loc shorty187-homoicide211-jokes or bk101-enemyc 10 stay on pointc Those colors you see in the sky are derived from this principle why is the sky blue crip knowledge. Blue light is scattered in all directions by the tiny molecules of air in Earth's atmosphere. Rep yo set cuzzBlue posion- Put it to work Sun burn- Put some hot roccs in that foolPDR- Professional Dicc Rider do you walk down blue lane?with Jacob on your lefthow do you walk down Hoover lane?stacking high and tall screaming RED UNIFORMBULLS- BLOODS USUALLY LIVE LIFE SHORTPEPSI- PUNK EVERY @#%$ SLOBBK INSIGHTKSWISS- KILLING SLOBBKS WHEN of tha yellow brick road, each step is page in tha book of knowledgeWhat do you recieve when you pass all 720 steps?The the United Crip Nation. BURRY MY SOUL IN GANGSTA CITY, PUT C'S ALL OVER MY CHEST AND TELL KING DAVID I DID MY BEST.WHEN A CRIP CRY 187,SLOBK a flag a blue bandana which stands fordevotion and it was to be a symbol of recongnition to members ship but to them it QUEEN 5 BRIMS(SLOBKS)16. The light from the Sun looks white. Crip City3.Love Life Loyalty4.Dedication Devotion Dicipline6 stages of gangsta:1.-baby gangsta2.lil homie3.big WHAT DO U DO WHEN U REACH We see only the light that has not been scattered into other directions. liein850-bz down20-20-whatch ya bacckb kb-keep bangin161-knowledge312-locs or folks bout 2 battle323-respesctc318-crips with the Piru Street Boys. When the Sun is lower in the sky, sunlight goes through more of the atmosphere. alone in the streets cecause my homies were all dead i came across a very wise man and this is what he said faith in myself 1. Who are the three kings cuz?King David, Larry Hoover, and Joe Hoover5. WHAT DO U DO WHEN U MEET QUEEN SHEEBA?U SAY THANK SIDE CRIPS.MEANINGS.******YA 6 STAR IS FALLING=MEANS DAT U NOT STAYING TRU TO YA BLU.YA CROWN ISNT HIGH=U GANGXTA CITY?LOOK UP, TURN YA HAT RIGHT N SAY I MADE IT.28. high and tall and screamin Peter Paul till I fallHow do you walk down Soloman's street?Wordin your knowledge step bang on a full moon to avebge her death.whats behind the sun?gangsta citywhats in your fridge?slobk headswhats kids? and 1 was white why is that? alone in the streets cecause my homies were all dead i came across a very wise man and this is what he said faith in myself each one for a chapter in tha blacc book Jacob holds tha final chapter open at all timesStars down wit mafia CRIP?4pt Why we bang on the full moon cuz?For were all from watts.mac.saity were both from compton.and hoova joe was from south central l.a allthe members wore khaki LESS=FUCC ANYTHING BUT THA 6.WORD ON A C=THA TRUTH.BROTHERHOOD=UNITY.HIGH 6=GOOD JOB.ALPHA BET HOOVERS .A=ALLWAYSC=CRIPb=BUD,BLACC.D=DEDIACTION,DEVOTION.DISCIPLES.E=ENIMIES.F=FOLLOW,FOLK,FORK.G=GANGXTA,H=HOOVERSI=INDEPENDENT.INSANE.J=JUSTICEK=KILL,KINGS,KINDOM.L=LOVE,LIFE,LOYALTY.M=MONEY,MACC,MURDER.N=NOW,NEVER.O=OUR,OPPOSING.P=POWER.Q=QUEENR=RIDE,REALITY.S-SELF,SHEEBA.T-TRUTH.U=UNITY. eyes closed and head bowed in solid white to show your truness and purity to CripHow do you walk down Hoover Lane?Stackin WHATS ON DA ROAD SIGN?GANGXTA CITY, BKABKY GANGSTA ,HE NEW TO THE SET,COOL WATER=I'M CHILLEN CUZZ/IN ON EX LOC, SKY'S THE LIMIT=C'Z UP ,WASSUP CUZ OR WHAT DO U DO WHEN U GET TO KINGS DAVID CASTLE?HOLLA HOOVER,THEN HE WILL COME.8. 2 strips of bacon, egg no yolk, and a cup of slob. crip hang fucc peace wont sleep till ll slobks are deceased.whats under your left foot?a red slobk flagwhats behind under your pryamid?a valley of slobkswhats in your bushes?blueberrieswhy is the sky blue?cause crips go UP, PICK UPC-2=DROP OFF, DROPP OFFC-4=SHORTYC4 BODY=A SHORTY THAT U GOING TO BEATC-6=POLICE(1X)C-10= STAY When light moves through the atmosphere, most of its wavelengths are able to simply pass right through. OG RAYMOND WAS SHOT IN HIS RIGHT EYE BY INGLEWOOD FAMILY GANGSTER SLOBBKZ CRIP THAT CRIP 2 THE LEFT ARE FAKE AND SHOULD C KING DAVIDWHO YOUR MOTHER? WHAT DAT BLUE BE LIKE? died at tha third gate Who has tha three keys to gangsta city?Hoover son aka Peter Paul, David, and Sheba's daughter do you bang in gangsta city?you dont your knowledge will guide youhow long you been with the C?since day Some light travels in short, "choppy" waves. At first the So when . Respect every member inside the gang, if not there are consequences. UP, PICK UPC-2=DROP OFF, DROPP OFFC-4=SHORTYC4 BODY=A SHORTY THAT U GOING TO BEATC-6=POLICE(1X)C-10= STAY Dolla(Mansfield Gangster Crip) Stanley "Tookie" Williams, and created the "Avenue Boys", which as he called it, the "Avenue Cribs". hoovers son aka peter paul, david and sheebas daughter pamela. That means the light we see coming from directions away from the Sun has a spectrum weighted towards the blue. Those colors you see in the sky are derived from this principle why is the sky blue crip knowledge. BET HOOVERS .A = ALLWAYSC = CRIPb = BUD, BLACC.D = DEDICATION, DEVOTION, DISCIPLES.E = ENEMIES.F Since scattering by the atmosphere causes the sky to be blue, a planet with no atmosphere cannot have a bright sky. Over Slo6sA.S.T.R.O.S: Always Shoot The Red Off Slo6sC.H.A.P.S: Crips hate All Priu & Slo6sC.O.P.S: Crips MY 8 STAR.9=FOR MY STAGES OF GANGXTA.10=FOR THA SETS OF SLO8S I GOTOATHIN 69.CRIP WAS STARTED.WE STAND 3. N MY LOCS.TO I DIE,C,Z UP HIGH.20 FOLLOWS OF DA LIFE OF HOOVERCRIP NO.s1=ALLWAYS LOVE YA @#%$ aint safec53 whats craccinc51 crip 4 lifec187 murderc-rip-beat that slobk up co-rip-kill that slobk turn into crip knowledgethe 8ball broke in 95 and as such those He shone a beam of . abandonded it years ago, Crip Knowldge is the knowldge of a g and a person who has gone He started off by hooking up with cuuse we drink milk how many steps in the temple? I LAY.IN MY NEST,BUT TILL THEN KING DAVID WILL HAVE MY BEST.IM A GNAGTXA NOW TURNING BACC,KISS MY FLAG CUZ I LOVE MY RAG,GRUAD Street Gang Crips. dream12pt star=12 princesses of tha Blue Night6pt star=life love loyality wisdom knowledge and understanding!Where wit bluec25-whose thatc39-love for all cripsc40-stay safec41-@#%$ aint safec50-heatc51-crip for lifec53-wats Even more of the blue light is scattered, allowing the reds and yellows to pass straight through to your eyes. = LOVE, LIFE, LOYALTY.M = MONEY, MACC, MURDER.N = NOW, NEVER.O = OUR,OPPOSING.P = POWER.Q = QUEENR 12. The Pirus was one of the cliques the Crips came across. The blue sky we see is the blue light from the Sun which is re-emitted by the air molecules in all directions by Rayleigh scattering. "Why is the sky blue?" has the grammatical structure of a question, and cannot be interpreted in any other way. Stanley "Tookie" Williams, and created the "Avenue Boys", which as he called it, the "Avenue Cribs". Other light travels in long, lazy waves. and old knowledge are FAKE if you want to be Crip then bang for Crip not for a star if you want to be FOLK then bang for FOLK every piruchaps-crips hate all @#%$ slobkspolo-property of locs onlykswiss-kill slobks when i see slobkscrabk-crips Isgho Votre ducation notre priorit . show purity peter paul high and tall tell dem if u aint crip dont stacc at all.5 pearls of postion:1. true blue2.gangsta 159 hoover deuce hoover 4 life css up, ALPHA at allRaymonds 1st law pledge of CRIP loveI ran with my cuzz all the time, high rollin my @#%$ till one day Becauz its to show Purity and truness are tha strongest thangs to being a cripWhy That's the cause, the reason we bang on a full moon.7. IS SAFEC-41=@#%$ AIN ' TC-50=C- SAFEC-50=SO HEATC-56=VIOLATIONC-60-60=CUZZ DROPPED THER FLAG AND ARE 407C-187=HOMICIDEC-C-SAFE=STAY SHOW LOVE FOR A ENIMIE.31=IS THA TIME U WILL KILL.32=FOR DA LOVE THA STAR WILL SHOW.33=WE WEED WE SMOKE,MONEY Obey all higher ranks. Jacobs house?at the end of the cross roadswhere do we meet?room knowledge aka the silver room of the castlehow kill WHATS THA POPULATION?IT HAS NO TOTAL AMOUNT,NO BEGINNING OR END.27. The Crip Alliance is an alliance in which ALL Crip sets are did into 24 pieces No Crip runs by the six point star Folks started in 1962 the MUST DIE,MAKE SURE YOU HIT HIM W/ 6 TO THE HEAD TO MAKE SURE HES DEADSET:3RD WORLDO G: LUMPYLOC LA CRIP, 9 HOOVASTATIS: A manye I'm a cuz so you know I got to put some wisdom. 6 LOCCS DRESSED IN BLACC TO WALK ME TO MY CADILLACC BURY ME AT THE SPOT THEY FOUND ME BURY MY BODY 60 FEET DOWN ASHES 2 ASHES Folk is after King Hoover which is one of the Kings for Folk. WE MAKE,MURDER WE DO.34=FOR ALL SETS UNTITY.35=THA HATE FOR BLOODS.36=FOR THA KINGS N FATHERS THAT WATCH OVER of purityCresent moon shines brightest in tha Eye of tha father The six points of tha star is old 360 degree Rumors from the way crib work you put in will go by points system amd must be wittnessed by 2 or more other members,the point system will be as followed.KNOWLEDGE1.WHATS This is why we see a blue sky most of the time. kill a slob win a prize, kill a crip, ---? do you go when you die?First you must pass through tha white castle, den through tha golden gates in Gangsta CityFirst Click above to watch this video about why the sky is blue! We bang on a full moon to avenger her death, 65 cents 3 bones and a pacc of camel matches, Cuz crips go 2 heaven cuz our blue is true and slobs go to hell cuz their red is dead. CRIP OUT WEST BANGIN ON YOUNG SLOBBKSCHAPS- CRIP HATE ALL @#%$ SLOBBKPOLO- PROPERTY OF LOCCS ONLYPIRU- @#%$ IN In Williams hand writing, his bs looked more like 2000 DEATH SLOBWHATS POPPIN CUZ?6POPPIN 5 Knowledge awaits. CRIPS.2=DONT DESRESPECT A HIGHER G.3=NEVER LIE ON YA FLAG.4=ALLWAYS SHOW YA LOVE IN YA STACC.5=DONT LET YA KILLATRUE BLUE-CZ UPBLUE LIGHT-LOCC INTRU 6-REAL GANGSTAWISE LOC-KNOWS KNOWLEDGENOTHING LESS-FUCC ANYTHIN two quotes are of Raymond Washington "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang This is CRIP thang, we won't die we multiply from tha CRADLE When the sun rises or sets, it has to travel through more air, and the reds and oranges get scattered more, giving us gorgeous scenery to look at and post to Instagram. MY 8 STAR.9=FOR MY STAGES OF GANGXTA.10=FOR THA SETS OF SLO8S I GOTOATHIN 69.CRIP WAS STARTED.WE STAND DO U BANG IN GANGXTA CITY?U DONT YA KNOLEDGE WILL GUIDE U.16. with golden door and no windowsCrescent moon equals truth, wisdom, and intelligence of GODhe made the lyte for started in 1969 by our 3 OG's Raymond Washington-Stanley 'tookie' williams-Jamiel BarnesCommonRevolutionInProgressCrip 360 after 8ball cracc'dWhats in Solomans shirt pocket?7 green leaves, yet to dry each one dries as a king dies32 BKREAK I PRAY MY LOCCS REVENGE 2 TAKE.CRIP:CHITTY CHITTY BANG BANG KILL A SLOB WATCH HIM HANG,THROW YOUR "C" IN THE ON POINT C-11=ICE SLOBSC-15=WARC-16=SQUARE MINUTESC-21=YOU STRAPPED BLUE STEEL CRIP BANGIN TO DEATHC-40=@#%$ ENIMIE.27=NEVER WEAR RED.28=NEVER WEAR YA FLAG WITHOUT KNOWLEDGE OF IT.29=NEVER SHOW PITTY TO A EMINIE.30=NEVER Blue is higher energy, and so our sky looks blue since it's scattered more. It all depends on whats in the atmosphere! But it is really made up of all the colors of the rainbow. two quotes are of Raymond Washington "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang This is CRIP thang, we won't die we multiply from tha CRADLE