Health. You will see their own conduct and hear their own voices as these defendants re-enact for you, from the screen, some of the events in the course of the conspiracy. Explore the latest videos from hashtags: #covidlawsuit, # . John Ziegler Goes Viral Over Lockdown; CA Mayor Defies Newsom Mask Order; Dr. Zelenko's HCQ Protocol Saving Lives; Kids & Masks: Are They Safe? Bigtree touted the widely promoted, but false, claim that COVID-19 vaccines cause infertility and claimed that vaccine manufacturers are murdering people., He went on to engage in COVID-19 denial. He also seems unconcerned that COVID-19 could well lead to more deaths from cancer, due to delays in treatment. The anti-vaxxers insist they know better, or at least until they try it. Members of Congress Call for President Bolsonaro to be Held Accountable Fact-checking Judy Mikovits, the controversial virologist - Science You dont get to say I have to take a drug to protect you. On December 15, Bigtrees Facebook page shared an episode in which he appears on the Daystar Television Network, an online evangelical Christian broadcast. Last week, antivaccine activist Del Bigtree posted a rant denying the severity of COVID-19, blaming the chronically ill for having made themselves vulnerable to severe disease through their lifestyle choices, and urging the young and healthy to catch this cold. In the Ukraine during 1932-33, thanks to Josef Stalins policies in taking away all their grains and blockade of food movement into the region, 6 million died from starvation in the Holodomor (killing by starvation). YouTube terminates anti-vaccine figure Del Bigtree's account after he Lets go outside. You were eating that all the time. Send it to The Daily Beasthere. Lead by example! Discover short videos related to covid lawsuit crimes against humanity on TikTok. It was an instrument of conspiracy and of coercion.. Got a tip? He also added a soundtrack of somber piano music. It redefines the production of death itself, beyond wars and natural disasters. She and a colleague watched weekly episodes of The Highwire with Del Bigtree from Jan. 30, 2020, to April 2, 2020. Jackson concluded his comments on the partys role: The Government, the Party formations indicted before you as criminal organizations, the Secret State Police, the Army, private and semi-public associations, and spontaneous mobs that were carefully inspired from official sources, were all agencies that were concerned in this persecution. Record yourself on video doing it! The common cold doesnt kill 120,000 Americans in less than four months and nearly a half a million worldwide in six months. You really need four bags of Doritos or Chitos or Fritos or whatever the heck it is, little cupcakes with synthetic icing on them? Wearing masks and contact tracing, with targeted quarantines, are thought to be our best options to be able to emerge from lockdowns and revive the economy, and yet the unholy alliance of antivaxxers and COVID-19 conspiracy theorists feverishly resist these measures, too. How many times have I suggested this? The document, which obtained over 3,100 signatures around the world, blasts the "one size fits all" treatment recommendations . It's bankrolled by . Its people over the age of 65not just because youre over the age of 65, but youre sick with other diseases. Hes contemptuously blaming people with chronic diseases for being chronically ill. You have diabetes. 07/23/20 9:25 AM EDT, Article However, the hostility towards public health interventions goes beyond anger at the economic consequences of lockdowns. They teach us what to watch for in political leaders and parties, to be vigilant. Her neighbors counter-protested in her front yard and put up Dr. U.S. Govt Loses Landmark Vaccine Lawsuit Monday, May 18, 2020 Vaccine injury lawyer Robert F. Kennedy Jr.,& Del Bigtree, producer of the suppressed anti-vaccine documentary, Vaxxed and the Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) are credited with this victory. When Bigtree joined the program, he made the baseless assertion that recipients of COVID-19 vaccines may face up to a 50% mortality rate if they ever encounter another coronavirus in their lifetimes, echoing a claim that originated from toxic conspiracy theorist Alex Jones. Bigtree goes on to claim that for over 97% of us COVID-19 is so mild that you wont get a fever or even know that you have it, claiming its a common cold for 99.74% of us. Mander, who has not fully recovered from a savage case of Covid last year, is being threatened with arrest and the closure of the orphanages he runs after he mobilised people against the National . They identified six consistent themes and compared them to the anti-vaccine movement. I like the finer things in life. Drug yourself! On a July 28 episode of his Faith and Freedom podcast, cardiologist Peter McCullough claimed that the vaccines are causing a "staggering" number of deaths, more than the illness itself. The group has brokered ties with far-right Trump supporters in recent months. Wisconsin state health director Jeanne Ayers was asked to resign in early May, at a time when COVID-19 cases in the state had surpassed 10,000, and top officials would not say why. 'A Crime Against Humanity': Anguish and Anger as India Covid Crisis Surges And Im worried about the spike protein.. A video with tens of thousands of views falsely claims an international court is investigating"crimes against humanity" related to the coronavirus pandemic. What difference does it make? And I reached out and told him my predicament.. A user on BitChute, a video-sharing platformthat hosts content that's banned on YouTube, made the claim in a post published Feb. 6. Photo: Wikipedia Commons, The Nazi Party was bound by an iron discipline into a pyramid, with the Fhrer, Adolf Hitler, at the top and broadening into a numerous Leadership Corps The membership took the Party oath which in effect amounted to an abdication of personal intelligence and moral responsibility The membership in daily practice followed its leaders with an idolatry and self-surrender more Oriental than Western., Also read: A Report Card on the End Times Brought Upon Us by Hindutva. Truly, it should surprise no one that antivaxxers have joined COVID-19 deniers in their conspiracy theories or that they loudly proclaim opposition and resistance to any COVID-19 vaccine, even though a COVID-19 vaccine is many months, if not years, away. It was to be personal responsibility in each case. On that page, Bigtree shares disinformation about the COVID-19 vaccine, including the baseless claim it will eventually kill half of its recipients. This hostility towards public health interventions manifests itself with a refusal to take responsibility to do anything that decreases the risk of COVID-19 transmission. Defendants in the dock at the Nuremberg trials. USA TODAY did not find evidence that acaselike the one described in the video is being prosecuted in alegitimate international court, either. - Jul 3, 2020 Nationwide, a number of health directors have either retired, quit, or been fired in the face of harassment, resistance, and the unhappiness of politicians: This isnt just happening in California. So at that point, I just randomly reached out to a few of the functional medicine doctors asking them if they had a clinic or some way that they could get me either direct transfusions from people I knew or some way to a blood bank that was tracking this information, Bigtree recalled. If you suspect COVID-19 health care fraud, report it immediately online or call 1-800-HHS-TIPS (1-800-447-8477). Overeating does predispose to obesity, although it is way more complicated than Bigtrees version of it, which, boiled down to its essence, demonizes those with obesity as fat slobs who lived their youth and middle age overindulging without a care in the world for what their choices are doing to their body. Today, speeches, tweets, pamphlets, videos by citizen journalists of political gatherings, and social media enunciations by politicians : civil society would be wise to archive these because victims do not often live to tell the tale. NEWS (December 5th, 2021): Public International Criminal Court for Crimes Against Humanity vs Covid-19 have started a Nuremberg Trials 2.0 website HERE. In June, anti-vaccine activist Del Bigtree described COVID-19 as a "cold," blamed . The unholy alliance between antivaxxers and COVID-19 conspiracy theorists is a natural fit. He had started as a middling television producer and made a second career spinning dangerous delusions that left thousands of children needlessly prey to potentially devastating illnesses. The party unleashes an army of minions to do its bidding, the grassroot level organisation enables it, through coercive measures, including moral policing, to establish a reign of terror. Perhaps the best retort, though, is what The Real Truther did in editing Bigtrees video. Were not on drugs, and we dont need to be on drugs. Oliver O'Connell 23 January 2022 17:51 1642960830 By pointing to those in authority who had reneged on their responsibilities, the honourable court was also implicitly probing larger questions of leadership, political parties and the state, holding each of these accountable. 03/03/23 9:34 PM EST, Video & Audio What am I going to do? Bigtree said on the podcast. Civilization can afford no compromise with the social forces which would gain renewed strength if we deal ambiguously or indecisively with the men in whom those forces now precariously survive.. Do you have access to a blood bank? On January 13, Bigtree shared a video from an Indiana woman who claimed that a COVID-19 vaccine caused her to start experiencing convulsions during all waking hours. If you dont believe me, consider how in recent years they have manifested their hostility towards public health interventions not just in the form of resistance to school vaccine mandates, but in proposing laws and regulations that would make it more difficult for local health authorities to prevent and respond to outbreaks even leaving aside the issue of vaccines. By pretending to serve a national cause, the party imposed limitations on freedoms: The forecast of religious persecution was clothed in the language of religious liberty, for the Nazi program stated, We demand liberty for all religious denominations in the State. But, it continues with the limitation, so far as they are not a danger to it and do not militate against the morality and moral sense of the German race.. The disclaimer was specific to the video and does not apply to Bigtrees false claim in his post that COVID-19 vaccines have been a DISASTER., Bigtrees Facebook page also shared footage from a separate January 6 Washington, D.C., event called the Global Frontline Nurses Summit. The speakers shared dangerous COVID-19 misinformation, including that COVID-19 patients can be successfully treated with holistic methods such as ozone therapy. We all tend to live with chronic issues and things that we think arent that serious? All the way to Cancun, Bigtree said. Text reading "model proceeding" is inthe bottom right-hand corner oflivestreamsonYouTube and Odysee, another video-sharing platform. The health officers are kind of in this position where everything that everyone is angry about is the health officers fault., The official described death threats received by email and on social media as well as protesters showing up to their home. It established elaborate administrative mechanisms to identify and liquidate spies and informers, to manage concentration camps, to operate death vans, and to finance the whole movement. In iconophilic political parties, national ideals are what the charismatic leader says they are, and only serve to consolidate the leaders iron grip on the party. I dont care if I live to be 100 years old. Pramod K. Nayarteaches at the University of Hyderabad. Its "distance" in evolutionary time to SARS-CoV-2 is about 20 to 80 years. It must also reach men who possess themselves of great power and make deliberate and concerted use of it to set in motion evils which leave no home in the world untouched.. After undergoing extensive medical testing, the woman was diagnosed with a conversion disorder -- a medical condition where neurological systems manifest without any apparent underlying physical cause. Claiming I dont think God messed up in the creation of humans, Bigtree said, I dont think theres some coronavirus that can override the brilliant immune system that is born into us and that 99.99% of us are showing how great Gods design is, because this virus does nothing to us. (More than 450,000 people in the United States have died from the disease. Fuellmichasserts rich global elites fabricatedthepandemic with the goal ofconsolidatinga "One World" bank and government. Things have gotten ugly, said one Northern California health officer who asked not to be named over personal safety concerns. They demanded the relevant government documents proving that all federally approved vaccines had been tested for quality over the past When last we saw her elsewhere, she had put her foot in her mouth most spectacularly by ignorantly discounting how much education about immunology and vaccines a typical physician in training receives, which leads me to just what the heck Bigtree means by pharmaceutical dependent. Also read: An Indian Kristallnacht in the Making. COVID-19 Vaccine Misinformation and the Anti-Vaccine Movement USA TODAY has previously debunked similar claims. On February 8, The New York Times reported that Facebook says it will remove posts with erroneous claims about vaccines from across its platform., Bigtree continuesto share dangerous medical misinformation on Facebook. Also read: COVID-19 and Indias New Viral Necropolitics. Covid-19 did not stop war crimes being tried by international jurisdictions. Moderna . The doctors sought to determine what was causing the problem in the first place. The State Bar of California, accessed Feb. 15. All because Kuhk has spoken out against a fellow nurse, Nicole Sirotek, who has been using social media to spread disinformation about COVID-19 and vaccines while raising tens of thousands of . While Fuellmich and Fischerare both licensedattorneys,there is no "World Criminal Court." Soon as I arrived, [I] was greeted by the doctors from the hospital there.. He was marginally better when the plane took off the next morning. I once coined a term, the central dogma of alternative medicine, to describe the belief that we have near-total control over our health through lifestyle, such as diet, activity, exercise, and a Secret-like belief that wishing makes it so.